2021 Discussion Panels

2021 Discussion Panels

Discussion panels to share and explore blended learning experiences and future practice

Sessions 1 & 2 (12:45-13:30)

Social presence and blended learning - watch the recording

Chair: Dr Kirsty Kiezebrink Dean of Educational Innovation

Building Resilient Learning Communities: Student and staff perspective - watch the recording and view the Presentation Slides

Chair: Dr Steve Tucker , Institutional Resilient Learning Communities Enhancement Theme Lead

  • Dr Amudha Poobalan Senior Lecturer (Scholarship), School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
  • Karen Scaife Student Engagement Manager, Student Experience
  • Student Intern+ and UG student, Business Management and Sociology
  • Serena Rossi , UG student, School of Social Science

Sessions 3 & 4 (13:35-14:20)

Enhancing academic integrity through smart design - watch the recording

Chair: Professor Kath Shennan Dean of Quality Enhancement and Assurance

Supporting mental wellbeing for staff and students - watch the recording and view the Presentation Slides

Chair: Jacquie Nicholson Scottish Lead, UMO

Sessions 5 & 6 (14:55-15:40)

Learning together: Supporting an inclusive, accessible and diverse learning culture - watch the recording and view the Presentation Slides

Chair: Professor Abbe Brown, Dean for Student Support

Solving future skills challenges: Effective partnerships between university and employers - watch the recording and view the Presentation Slides

Chair: Dr John Barrow Dean of Employability and Entrepreneurship

  • Dr Lyn Batchelor Director of Studies for the Qatar Campus, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen
  • Dr Ian Fleming Lecturer (Scholarship), School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
  • Dr Heather Morgan Lecturer (Scholarship) in Applied Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
  • Evie Gilbert UG student, School of Divinity, History and Philosophy