2020 Biographies

2020 Biographies

Professor Ruth Taylor, Vice Principal (Education), University of Aberdeen

Ruth Taylor photoProfessor Ruth Taylor took up the role of Vice Principal (Education) in November 2019. She is responsible for leading the effective delivery of the University's strategic objectives for Education.

Areas of responsibility include: quality and innovation in learning, teaching and assessment; student experience and engagement, including student support; student success; employability and entrepreneurship; quality assurance and enhancement across the provision. Ruth is also responsible for leading the University's work on the Race Equality Charter.

Ruth was previously Senior Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of a Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care, and Professor of Nurse Education, at Anglia Ruskin University from 2013. She held an institutional role in the leadership of the student retention strategy. Prior to that she worked at The Robert Gordon University in a leadership role in the School of Nursing and Midwifery having had a career in clinical nursing practice for 15 years.

Ruth's research interests include student retention, the first-year student experience, social capital in the context of the student experience, compassion in healthcare practice, and student leadership in healthcare practice

Follow Ruth on Twitter: @ruthft1

Dr Mirjam Brady-Van den Bos, University of Aberdeen

Dr Mirjam Brady-Van den BosDr Mirjam Brady-Van den Bos is a Lecturer in the School of Psychology, with a keen interest in pedagogical research.

She is especially interested in how students learn, the role of lecturer-student interaction in learning, and how students react to and use feedback.

Dr Greg Bremner, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, Doha, Qatar

Dr Greg BremnerDr Greg Bremner is a Senior Lecturer in Economics. Following a career in international road haulage management, he earned a PhD in Oil & Gas Macroeconomics from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2011. He held academic posts at several Scottish universities in a variety of economics subject areas before being appointed to his current role at AFG-Aberdeen. As a former programme and module leader he has extensive expertise in academic quality control and has written and delivered on degree courses at all university levels.A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, he acts as a mentor for staff pursuing professional accreditation. He has successfully completed several industrial research projects and continues to conduct cross-disciplinary research, currently with computer games academics, on the application of video technology to student feedback and on the survival of small video games companies.

Dr Emma Dolan, University of Aberdeen

Dr Emma DolanEmma successfully defended her PhD thesis in November 2019 and has been working as a Teaching Fellow since September 2019.

She teaches in the Department of Sociology as well as Politics and International Relations and is Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her research focuses on the gendered politics of state apologies.

Mr Stephen Fettes, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, Doha, Qatar

Mr Stephen FettesStephen started his career working for the Mapping and Charting Establishment (Royal Engineers) as a cartographer. He moved into education as an administrator and has held various management and leadership roles within the private and public sectors. He was director of development a a leading independent business school in London, and, as a member of the strategic management team there, was responsible for domestic and international student recruitment and selection, as well as all aspects of marketing and promotion.

He completed an MBA in 1994, and for the past twenty years he has concentrated on teaching and lecturing.He has taught on various university programmes (The University of Hull, The University of Plymouth, The University of Northampton, and The University of Wolverhampton), at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was an external examiner for The University of Teesside and an Examiner for the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Stephen brings a wealth of experience both as a theoretician and a practitioner in management, marketing and strategy. In his professional and academic roles he has travelled widely around the globe and has experience of delivering programmes externally in China other Asian countries and across the African continent.

Dr Tatiana Gladkikh, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, Doha, Qatar

Dr. Tatiana Gladkikh SFHEA MCILDr. Tatiana Gladkikh SFHEA MCIL is the Head Of Discipline Business Management. She joined academia after 11 years of management, academic and consultancy roles in Russia and the UK. Having earned an MA in Managing Contemporary Global Issues in 2007, she was awarded a PhD from the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Birmingham in 2011. Prior to accepting her current position in Doha, she held academic posts at the University of Birmingham and the University of Winchester teaching at all academic levels and researching and publishing on leadership, globalisation and cross-cultural issues in the global business environment. As an external examiner for collaborative provisions between UK and overseas HE institutions and a former MSc Programme Portfolio Leader, she has extensive experience in academic quality assurance and academic leadership.

A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Linguist, she advances transnational education through her teaching in diverse educational contexts, pedagogic research, programme and curriculum design, and mentoring of staff seeking to enhance their transnational education expertise. She has presented on internationalisation of HE at a number of international conferences and serves as a Conference Committee member at the European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ECMLG).

Dr Christopher Gray, University of Aberdeen

Chris Gray (FHEA) has been the Programme Director for the University of Aberdeen's BMus (Hons) Community Music programme since its commencement in September 2012. Prior to his work at the University of Aberdeen Chris has worked nationally and internationally as a Community Musician, Double Bass player and Conductor. Chris is a PhD candidate in the School of Education.

Masudul Haq, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, Doha, Qatar

Munshi Masudul HaqMunshi Masudul Haq is a Lecturer in AFG College with The University of Aberdeen.He earned his Bachelor Degree in Economics from Bangladesh and completed his Postgraduate Degree in International Money, Banking and Finance from the Department of Economics at The University of Birmingham, UK. He has had teaching experiences in Undergraduate modules in Statistics, Econometrics, Finance, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics with The University of Birmingham and Aston University in the UK, and Qatar University.

Munshi has published peer-reviewed research papers in reputed international journals such as Economics Letters, Middle East Economics and Finance. Munshi also has working experiences on Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) funded projects.

Laila Mahran, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, Doha, Qatar

Laila MahranLaila is a Lecturer at AFG College with the University of Aberdeen in Accountancy oriented courses. She has an undergraduate degree in Accounting & Finance with a major in Economics from the University of Toronto and a Masters degree from the University of Waterloo. The Masters degree focused on tax subject areas that include policy, research, statutory interpretation, estate planning, business structuring, and risk management.

Laila has always been passionate about teaching and was an Instructor Assistant in the Department of Management at the University of Toronto since 2012. She primarily taught Accounting related courses in both, graduate and undergraduate programs. Laila has over five years of work experience in public accounting in Canada, starting off her career in banking.

Laila worked as a Manager at KPMG LLP & Ernst & Young LLP, where her practice focused on global compliance & reporting, advising real-estate clients on structuring cross-border acquisitions, divestitures, corporate reorganizations and financing transactions.

Dr John McKeown, University of Aberdeen

Dr John McKeownDr John McKeown is the Head of General Practice and Community Medical Education. He is a University of Aberdeen Graduate and a GP Partner at Cults Medical Group.

He is currently overseeing the implementation of the Enhanced GP Curriculum for the University.

Dr Tavis Potts, University of Aberdeen

Dr Tavis PottsDr Tavis Potts is a Reader in Environmental Geography, Director of the MSc in Environmental Partnership Management and Director of the Green Economy Research Centre at the University of Aberdeen. An interdisciplinary researcher, Dr Potts interests span marine protected area and marine resource governance; politial ecology of ecosystem services and natural capital; public values and perceptions of marine environments; sustainable seafood movements the emergence and implications of green and blue economy transitions. He has geographical research interests in Scotland and the UK, North-East Europe, the Polar regions; East Asia; Australia and Peru.

Dr Potts is actively involved moving between social science and polity in the UK. He is a member of the Scottish Coastal Forum; MASTS Marine Spatial Planning Forum; a non-executive member of the UK Government Marine Science Coordination Committee and Chair of the Marine Social Science Task Group that promotes dialogue and knowledge sharing between social scientists and policy makers.

Professor Derek Scott, University of Aberdeen

Derek ScottDerek Scott is Professor of Physiology & Pharmacology Education and Deputy Director of Teaching for Medical Sciences. He has spent his entire career in teaching and scholarship-focused posts and is passionate about helping other educators enhance their career progression.

Derek has served as Education Theme Lead for the UK's Physiological Society and sits on their Education, Public Engagement & Policy Committee. He is the international member of the North American task force for physiology learning outcomes. He has served as an external examiner/reviewer at several UK institutions, given invited lectures on his pedagogic work, and regularly presents the work of his team at national and international conferences.

Derek's research interests include working with students as partners in educational innovations, using infographics to enhance student learning/communication, adapting learning/assessment methodologies from other disciplines to enhance medical science education, and developing better resources to help university teachers advance their careers.

Professor Jan Skakle, University of Aberdeen

Professor Jan SkakleJan has been a lecturer at the University for 25 years, joining the physics department when it reopened and thus with plenty opportunity for innovation.

She has a background in both physics and solid state chemistry and teaches and researches at the interface of the two, as well as contributing to a number of interdisciplinary and non-specialist courses.