Assessment Policies and Guidance
For undergraduate courses the method of assessment for each course is identified in the Catalogue of Courses. An outline of the method of assessment for postgraduate taught programmes and, where relevant, their constituent courses, can be found in the University Calendar and/or the Postgraduate Catalogue of Courses.
Codes of Practice on Assessment & Feedback
Undergraduate Students:
- Code of Practice on Assessment for Undergraduate Students (who entered Honours in or after September 2021)
- If you entered honours before September 2021, please click here
Postgraduate Taught Students:
- Code of Practice on Assessment for Postgraduate Taught Students 2022
- If you started your PGT programme before 2022, please click here
No Detriment procedures
Comprehensive Measures
Setting and Arranging Assessments (inc. Exams)
- Types of Assessment
- Setting and Arranging Assessments Guidance
- Rules for the Conduct of Prescribed Assessments and Written Examinations for Degrees or Diplomas
- Guidance for Those with Responsibility for Making Examination Arrangements for Disabled Candidates
Marking and Moderation Procedures
- University of Aberdeen Common Grading Scale (CGS)
- Moderation Policy
- SCQF Levels Descriptors
- Institutional Framework for the Provision of Feedback on Assessment
- Markers, Double, “Blind” and Anonymous Marking
- Preparation, Submission, Recording and Notification of Results
- External Examiners in relation to Marking
- Selection of Scripts and other work to be sent/made available to the External Examiner
- Oral Examinations
Examiners' Meetings and Approval of Marks
- Exams Officer: Job Description Number, Composition and Purpose of Examiners' Meetings
- Conduct of Examiners' Meetings
Degree / Award Classification
- Honours Classification (Grade Spectrum)
- Minimum Credit Requirements for Awards
- Progression and Award in Postgraduate Taught Programmes of Study (Grade Spectrum) - for students who commenced study prior to September 2014
- Progression and Award in Postgraduate Taught Awards (GPA) - for students who commenced study after September 2017
- 'How To' Guide to SRS Degree Classification via Grade Point Average - Undergraduate Honours Programmes
- 'How To' Guide to SRS Degree Classification via Grade Point Average - Postgraduate Taught Programmes