Annual Academic Development Symposium 2022

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Annual Academic Development Symposium 2022

University of Aberdeen Global Communities:
Building Communities and Improving Collaboration
Thursday 5 May 2022

The Theme for this year's blended Annual Academic Development Symposium aligned with the current QAA Scotland Enhancement Theme, 'Resilient Learning Communities' . The symposium provided an opportunity for staff across the University to engage with and discuss the current Theme and to network with colleagues across the University.

The symposium took place on Thursday 5 May 2022, opening with a keynote presentation entitled 'Decolonising the Curriculum across the disciplines - what can we do?' from Professor Catriona Cunningham, Head of Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement, Edinburgh Napier University. Professor Cunningham is co-leading the Collaborative Cluster on 'Decolonising the Curriculum in the Time of Pandemic' , one of the current Quality Enhancement Themes for 'Building Resilient Learning Communities'. Jasmine Millington, Student Intern for QAA Scotland Enhancement Theme project on Decolonising the Curriculum joined Professor Cunningham.

The keynote was followed by a range of discussion panels, to exchange practice and ideas in a supportive and collaborative environment. The programme also included an Enhancement Projects Showcase and a session from the 2021 Advance HE CATE Award-Winning TQFE/BAPD Team , School of Education. The event concluded with the Principal's Teaching Excellence Award 2021/22, and the presentation of prizes for the symposium poster competition.

With thanks to QAA Scotland for providing funding to support the work of their current Enhancement Theme, Resilient Learning Communities