Course and Programme Approval

In this section
Course and Programme Approval

The Curriculum Management System (CMS) supports the approval process for introducing new courses and programmes or amending or withdrawing existing courses and programmes.

New Programmes, Programme Withdrawals and Stand Alone Courses

Schools wishing to establish new programmes and/or withdraw existing programmes from their portfolio should use the templates below. For further information please contact the Programme Management Committee (PMC) via

Please note: In adherence to the School Planning process a development consent form is required for all new programmes and these, together with the withdrawal of programmes, should be reflected in School plans and projections.

Completed templates (excluding new programme templates) should be e-mailed to

Once development consent has been granted by the PMC, new programme templates should be e-mailed to the relevant Curriculum Administrator (CA) by the end of the winter term at the latest. The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meets monthly to review School submissions. Schools will be notifed by their CA when QAC has a query in regards to a submission and when QAC approval has been granted. Schools will be required to respond to any QAC queries via their CA.

New Courses, Course Changes and Course Status Changes

Completed course templates should be e-mailed to the relevant Curriculum Administrator (CA) by 30 November at the latest. The CA will be responsible for ensuring that the data is entered into the CMS.

The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meets monthly to review School submissions. Schools will be notifed by their CA when QAC has a query in regards to a submission and when QAC approval has been granted. Schools will be required to respond to any QAC queries via their CA.

Programme Modifications

Completed programme templates should be e-mailed to the relevant Curriculum Administrator (CA) by the end of the winter term at the latest. The CA will be responsible for ensuring that the data is entered into the CMS.

The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meets monthly to review School submissions. Schools will be notifed by their CA when QAC has a query in regards to a submission and when QAC approval has been granted. Schools will be required to respond to any QAC queries via their CA.

Intended Learning Outcomes

In developing course and programme proposal forms, it is important to consider the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) that are associated with the new course or programme. In doing so, the Centre for Academic Development have prepared helpful resources on creating and developing ILOs which are available on the University webpages. Resources include: (i) Intended Learning Outcomes presentation; and (ii) Video on Bloom's Taxonomy.

Course Assessment Changes

Schools wishing to make assessment changes after the teaching/assessment of a course has finished and before the next delivery of a course will be able to submit assessment change requests outwith the planning cycle for:-

  • Sub-Session 1 (First Half-Session) Courses - in June
  • Sub-Session 2 (Second Half-Session) and Full Year Courses - in November

Curriculum Administrators

Your CA is always available to answer any questions you may have about the above.


Curriculum Administrator E-mail

School of Biological Sciences

Business School

School of Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History

School of Education

School of Engineering

School of Geosciences

School of Law

School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
(Cluster A)

School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
(Cluster B)

School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
(Cluster C)

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition

School of Natural and Computing Sciences

School of Psychology

School of Social Science

The University Calendar and the Catalogue of Courses

Once approved, courses and programmes are made available to staff and students via the:

  • University Calendar - lists every programme offered by the University in a given academic year, the academic regulations which must be adhered to, and the courses which must be studied to ensure a student can graduate.
  • Catalogue of Courses - a catalogue of all the courses the University offers in a given academic year, categorised by subject area.

The approval process is summarised in flow chart format here.