Academic Integrity

In this section
Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a fundamental component of university-level study and academic life. As a University we need to safeguard our high-quality provision and standards, to maintain academic integrity and prevent dishonesty and fraud. Academic integrity involves a core set of values used by academics, professional service staff and students. These values cover honesty, fairness, trust, respect and responsibility. They are designed to guide individuals in all aspects of their academic work.

Examples of academic dishonesty, that negatively impact on the University and its community, include but are not limited to:

  • Plagiarism - the unattributed use of other people's work or ideas, in work submitted for assessment.
  • Collusion - where there is unauthorised collaboration between students in the preparation of an assignment.
  • Contract cheating - using essay mills to prepare assessments, this is where the student submits work that has been produced by someone other than the student, whether this has been paid for or not.

A University-wide approach across Schools and disciplines is required to ensure and promote academic integrity . This approach includes academic integrity awareness training for staff, ensuring assessment design to minimise opportunities for academic misconduct and developing students' academic literacies.

The toolkit resource 'Academic Integrity & Referencing ' has been prepared to help students.