2023-2024 Principal's Teaching Excellence Award Information

2023-2024 Principal's Teaching Excellence Award Information

Principal’s Teaching Excellence Award 2023-2024

This year’s Principal’s Teaching Excellence Award was open to individual educators and teaching teams, who were invited to share an example of teaching or assessment practice. All examples were welcome. The application format was as follows:

  1. Case study title
  2. Background: Describe the context of your / the project team’s approach to enhance teaching and learning (150 words)
  3. Project overview: Provide a description of the project and either briefly describe your role as an individual, and if applicable, the role of others; or briefly describe the roles of all named above (150 words)
  4. Purpose of the project: Give a rationale for your / the project team’s teaching approach or new initiative (150 words)
  5. Dissemination: Provide details of how your / the project team’s new teaching approach or solution has been / will be disseminated with colleagues and students within and beyond the University. Is the approach transferable to other disciplines? (150 words)
  6. Key learning points: Identify the key learnings points - what have you / the project team learned from this initiative and how has it further enhanced you / the project team’s practice? (150 words)
  7. Evaluation: Explain how you have / the project team has evaluated the impact or influence of your initiative (150 words)

All case studies were considered by the Panel for inclusion in the PTEA webpages. The winner of the award also contributed to the Annual Academic Development Symposium 2024.

Results were kept confidential and those shortlisted for the PTEA accolade were invited to the wider University Excellence Awards ceremony held on 18 April 2024.

How To Apply

Applicants must address and complete all sections of the PTEA 2023-2024 proforma.  
Applicants are asked to clarify their role for an individual submission or the individual roles for each member of a collaborative teaching team submission. As well as written responses in the text boxes, to reflect creativity, you are invited to (but you don’t have to) insert one artefact (maximum) to help to show how you have worked through your challenge/innovative development. To supplement your written account, you could, for example, insert an extract from your diary, a concept map, a doodle, a drawing, a poem or link to music to help you to tell the story of your teaching, learning or assessment development/initiative. If you decide to take this option, please make the links to your experiences clear within your allocated word count.

 You are not required to include the words within any such additional artefacts in your word count. 

Selection Criteria

The Dean for Student Support & Experience, along with Senior Educators from across the Institution, meet to review all case studies and agree the winner and up to three commendations. Submissions are considered on the basis of the applicants’ ability to: 

• clearly describe the context of the approach to enhance teaching and learning. 

• clearly describe the project and the roles of all involved. 

• provide the reason for the teaching approach/new initiative. 

• demonstrate how the new teaching approach/solution has been/will be disseminated with colleagues and students within and beyond the University. 

• identify the key learnings points. 

• explain how the impact of the initiative has been evaluated. 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Staff can apply at any stage of their career and may be employed on any type of contractual arrangement; for example, part-time, full-time or non-permanent (fixed-term). Staff must be teaching and/or supporting student learning, including for instance teaching, research and/or learning support.