It is a unique and persistent way for researchers and scholars to eliminate name ambiguity and accurately connect authors to their works, projects and institutional affiliations throughout their career.
- Who are ORCID?
The ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor IDentifier) registry is managed by ORCID (Inc.) , a not-for-profit organisation formed in 2010.
ORCID is dedicated to solving the name ambiguity problem by giving researchers and authors a single unique ID which works across the research landscape.
The work of ORCID is guided by an agreed set of principles .
ORCID operates internationally with its headquarters in Bethesda, USA.
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo .
More information on ORCID and its organisational structure is provided within their FAQs .
- Why use ORCID?
It is important to establish a unique professional identity throughout your academic and research career ORCID ® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent identifier for researchers, promotes discoverability of your research activities and makes sure you get the credit for the work you do.
Your personal ORCID iD distinguishes you from other researchers, and lets you link all your research publications and other output to your identifier, to help maximise the impact of your research.
Reasons to have an ORCID ID
- Distinguish yourself: ensure that all your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you. ORCID reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations. It improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs
- Take your records with you: ORCID is persistent (enduring), your ORCID ID belongs to you and stays with you throughout your career.
- Quickly becoming an international standard: ORCID is interoperable and works with many institutions, research funders, and publishers across the world.
- Recognised by Pure: ORCID helps university systems to synchronize information.
- Helps to reduce form-filling: Enter your data into Pure, connect it with ORCID and re-use it often.
- An ORCID is mandated by some funders: You must use your ORCID in Wellcome Trust and NIHR grant applications. ORCID is also recommended as mandatory for the next REF.
- Open to all, non-profit and community-driven: ORCID is a non-proprietry service maintained for the benefit of researchers in all disciplines and at all career stages.
- It's free!: Registration is free and fast for all researchers and authors, it takes as little as 30 seconds to register.
- Add ORCID to Pure
Use our guide to connect your ORCID to Pure, or visit ORCID to register for an ORCID iD
"The funding bodies consider that the benefits offered by persistent staff identifiers are significant, in terms of increased efficiency, transparency and interoperability in the research data landscape. In view of changes to staff submission in REF 2021 and the stage of the exercise, we do not consider it feasible to mandate the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) as the staff identifier in REF 2021. However, we give notice that we expect to require ORCID as a staff identifier in future exercises and the funding bodies strongly encourage an ORCID to be provided for all 'Category A submitted' staff in REF 2021" Decisions on Staff and outptus (2017/04) Paragraph 21
- ORCID and Researchfish
Integration between ORCID and Researchfish means that you are able to import your outputs from your ORCID profile into Researchfish , to then be able to attribute it to a grant.
- Log-in to your Researchfish account.
- Expand the ORCID tab and click the "Create or Connect your ORCID ID" link.
- Sign-in to your ORCID account, or register for an account.
The two accounts are now linked. Outputs added to your ORCID profile will be available for selection in Researchfish. In addition, grants from your Researchfish profile are added to your ORCID record.