Ethics System: Worktribe

In this section
Ethics System: Worktribe

The University has implemented a new research ethics approval system - Worktribe Ethics. This online platform provides a single end-to-end solution for development, submission, review and approval of research ethics applications.

The system was rolled out to each Ethics Board and their applicants during session 2022/3, in liaison with the Ethics Chairs.

The system is used for:

  • All ethics applications except for (i) research involving the use of animals under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act Amended 2021 and (ii) clinical research, which will continue to be processed using the existing systems.

With the exception of applicants to the Psychology and SERB (PGT) Ethics Boards, undergraduate and taught postgraduate students will not use this system and should continue with their School's ethics application process.


Worktribe Ethics has been implemented by the following University Ethics Boards:


Board Schools Users

Engineering / Geosciences / Natural & Computing Sciences

Staff / Supervisors / PGRs

Rowett Institute Rowett Institute

Staff / Supervisors / PGRs


Business / DHPA / Education / LLMVC / Law / Social Science

Staff / Supervisors / PGRs


Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition

Staff / Supervisors /PGRs / PGTs

SBS Biological Sciences

Staff / Supervisors / PGRs

Psychology Psychology

Staff / Supervisors / PGRs / PGTs / UGs


Worktribe Ethics access is restricted to those who need to use the system.

Please consult the appropriate Ethics Board guidance for applicants before you commence your Worktribe Ethics application.

Sign into Worktribe at (University username and password will be required)

Users should be aware that actions within the system are automatically logged and are auditable.

Important Note: the development of an ethics application should be regarded as an iterative process that should commence during project planning. It is essential that researchers consider the ethical implications of their planned methodology at an early stage, and in consultation with the relevant Ethics Board/Committee guidance.

All queries regarding Worktribe Ethics should be submitted to


Demonstration videos - REVISED

Demonstration videos

These updated demonstration videos (taking into acccount changes implemented in a recent upgrade to the system functionality) were recorded by the project team in 2024. They demonstrate how to use the updated Worktribe Ethics module and support familiarisation with the application process. It is recommended that you click on the 'Full Screen' icon for the best viewing experience when accessing these videos.

Guidance on Preparing Your Application

The following generic guidance has been prepared for all researchers from the University of Aberdeen regarding the University's expectations for how applicants should address particular question sets within the Worktribe Ethics application.

Your Ethics Board/Committee may provide more specific guidance.




How do I log in to Worktribe?

You can log in to Worktribe at

I can't log into Worktribe / I can't create a Worktribe Ethics application - what do I do?

Please get in touch with us at for assistance.

How soon should I start preparing my application?

Once you have determined that your research requires ethical approval (see University checklist), you should begin to prepare your application. You can save as you draft your application as there are a number of aspects you will need to consider and respond to - please ensure you consult the 'Guidance on Preparing Your Application' as this will help you draft your application. 

Your application should be submitted well in advance of your study start date to allow sufficient time for reviews and approval.

I am a PhD student but also hold a contract as an employee / I am a member of staff but am also enrolled as a PhD student at the University. Which account should I use for my ethics application?

If your ethics application arises out of your PhD studies, then please log in to Worktribe Ethics using your student account. PGR students often hold temporary services accounts that may expire before the end of their studies and may make it difficult to access any applications/approvals.

If the ethics application arises out of research undertaken as part of your employment contract, then your staff account should be used.

How do I log out if I need to submit an application using a different University IT account?

Note that when you log into your University IT account, these login details should be automatically input to Worktribe (via Shibboleth) so you will not normally be prompted for these details.

If you are e.g. a staff member but are also a registered student, please ensure that you log in to Worktribe using the correct account. If you need to log out of Worktribe so that you can manually log in with the required account (i.e. you need to override the Shibboleth process), please insert the following URL: This will present a blank log in screen for Worktribe, and then you can manually enter the username and password for the appropriate IT account.

Do all projects need Ethical Approval?

No, not all projects will need ethical approval and there is a checklist that will guide you through whether an application is required.

Do I have to complete all the information in one sitting?

No, as long as you have answered the first screen of questions and saved you can then return to your application in Worktribe at any time to make changes before you submit.

Can I edit a project once I have submitted it for approval?

No. Once submitted, it becomes 'View only'. The Ethics Triage for your Ethics Board may be able to make minor changes on your behalf or will return to you if more extensive changes are required.

I am co-investigator on a project where the principal investigator is based at another institution. Do both institutions have to give ethical approval?

Not normally, however we must be confident that the principal investigator's institution has comparable ethics approval processes. Please contact for further guidance.

Does Worktribe assign a unique number to each ethics application?

Yes, it does assign a unique ID to each application, and we can search the system using this ID.

What if my ethical issue is not directly addressed by any of the Worktribe Ethics question sets?

On the Scope tab, the question 'Does the proposed research raise any ethical issues or risk of reputational damage that are not covered above?' can be used to provide further details of any ethical issues raised by your project that aren't addressed in any of the other questions.

Do all applicants have to answer the question about peer review? What is meant by 'peer review'?

This is a mandatory question and must be answered by all applicants. For the purposes of our application process, please tick 'yes' to this question only if the application has undergone formal peer review by an external or internal panel. For all other ethics applications, tick 'no' and confirm in the response that peer review was not required for this project. We do not require the upload of any evidence around peer review.

What level of detail is required for the question on how the research will be conducted in a way that ensures its quality and integrity?
This is a mandatory question and must be answered by all applicants. It is asking for confirmation that applicants are aware of (and will abide by) the standards of good research conduct. As a minimum, a short statement should be provided to confirm that the applicant has completed the mandatory online training courses (available on MyAberdeen) on Research Integrity and on Research Ethics & Governance. Further guidance on this question is available by consulting the 'Guidance on Preparing Your Application'.
What level of detail is required for questions around the location of the research? Do we really need to provide the names of buildings, room numbers etc?

When answering this question, please bear in mind the implications of choosing the location of the research, for example, whether the location is on public or private premises, and whether the location poses any particular risks to participants or researchers

The application needs to contain sufficient information for the reviewers to form a judgement on whether any risks to participants and researchers have been considered and addressed sufficiently. For example, it may not be possible at the time of application to provide an exact location (i.e. building, room number) for an interview or activity, but we would expect applicants to address travel to and from the anticipated venues, accessibility issues and personal safety.

Please ensure you consult the 'Guidance on Preparing Your Application' as this will help you draft your application.

What are hazardous or controlled substances?

Hazardous substances are any those substances posing a risk to human or environmental health. This could be e.g. substances or mixtures with the potential to cause harm if they are inhaled, ingested, or come into contact, or are absorbed through the skin (as defined by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health), substances such as Persistent Organic Pollutants, radioactive substances, and similar. We advise to contact your respective lab technician/manager to help identify which substances classify as hazardous.

Controlled substances are those whose possession and use are regulated by the government, e.g. drugs regulated under the misuse of drugs legislation.

Does the Data Management Tab replace a Data Management Plan?

The Data Management Tab must be completed by all projects that do not only work with secondary data that is curated specifically for general public access. However, it does not replace the Data Management Plan (DMP) that might be required by specific funders and projects. More information about DMP requirements can be found in the Data Management section of Research Governance.

Ethical Review

How many reviews does my application need?

It will depend upon the risk assigned to your application and each board has flexibility regarding number of reviews requested.

Who will be doing the reviews?

Applications will be assigned for review to members of the Ethics Board associated with your School. The reviewers will remain anonymous to the applicant. Communication with the applicant will be managed via the appropriate Ethics Triage role for your Board.

How long will the review process take?

The length of the review process varies between boards and will depend on the quality of your initial application. Please check your Board Guidance for further information.

Keep in mind that ethical review is an iterative process, meaning you may need to revise and resubmit your application . To increase the likelihood of a swift approval, we strongly recommend consulting the Worktribe Question set guidance while drafting your application.

Will my project require external ethical review?

External ethical review will be required for research involving, for example, the National Health Service (NHS), local authorities, UK social care organisations, the prison service, Armed Forces, activities regulated under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) or if the project is led by another institution.  With the exception of NHS-related research, please note that all other research projects that require external ethical approval will first be required to obtain ethical approval from the University of Aberdeen.

These examples are not exhaustive, if you are unsure if your project will require external ethical review, please seek advice from


How will I know my application has been approved?

You will receive an email notification as well as being able to see a notification in Worktribe. You can also use the menu in Worktribe to look at your applications and what stage they are at in the review process.

The application status 'Favourable Opinion' indicates that your application has been approved, whilst the application status 'Revision' will require you to revise and resubmit your application (and the comments provided will explain the required changes).

Can I make changes to my application after it has been approved?

If you need to make changes to your application after it has received a favourable opinion, you can do so through the amendment process. To assist you, a short demonstration video is available, explaining how to submit an amendment to your application.

Minor amendments may be eligible for approval by an ethics triager. However, please note that significant changes will require a full review by your ethics board.

Will I receive an official document confirming ethical approval for my research?

By default, Worktribe does not issue certificates or official University letters of ethical approval. If you require an official document, please contact for assistance.


Can I delete an application?

No. If for any reason you want to delete an application, please email with the details and reason.

Does Worktribe retain previous versions of my ethics application?

If you are required to revise and resubmit your application, the system will log the time and date of your re-submission as version number 'X'. It does not save copies of any previous versions of your application. The system will only retain the most recent version of your application.

I have created an ethics application and want to submit the same (or a similar) ethics application to a different funder. Can I do this?

Yes, Worktribe allows you to ‘Duplicate’ an application. When you duplicate a previously approved application, a new application is created with all the original information copied over exactly. The title will also be duplicated, but it will include the prefix "Duplicate Of…" by default. You can edit the title and modify any other details within the application as needed.

If you use this functionality, please carefully review all information under the ‘Details’ tab, as well as ALL question responses and attached documents, to ensure they are accurate and relevant for the new application.

How secure are documents uploaded to Worktribe's Documents tab?

Worktribe is ISO 27001 certificated. This is an internationally recognised best practice framework for information security management systems (ISMS). Essentially, it means Worktribe is able to securely handle confidential information, with controls in place to identify and reduce any risks to this information.
Worktribe also complies with all GDPR requirements.
Login to Worktribe is strictly controlled by the University with all users having to authenticate via Shibboleth. Once signed in, further permissions within the system enable additional control of proposal elements.

What is the process in Worktribe?

Here is a flow diagram which outlines the ethical application process. As an alternative, we have a text document which outlines the same process.

What is the role of the student Supervisor in the Worktribe Ethics process?

All ethics applications submitted (or resubmitted) by students in Worktribe will initially be submitted to the supervisor (= 'submission stage') to ensure that the application is at the required standard for formal ethical review (i.e. the questions have been answered accurately and provide sufficient detail to enable ethical review to be undertaken by the Ethics Board, and that all required documentation has been attached to the application).

If the supervisor identifies that insufficient or incorrect information has been provided within the application, they are required to make comments/suggestions on the application for the student to address. Applications will be returned to the student by clicking the 'Not Approved' button. Once the supervisor is satisfied that the application meets the required standard, they should click 'Approved' and the application will be submitted to the formal review process.

Important Note: the supervisor has a critical role to play in student applications - the application cannot progress within the review process until the supervisor 'approves' the submission of the application, once they are satisfied the required standard has been met.

Automated email notifications are issued to the supervisor as follows:

  • Upon initial creation of an ethics application by the student (the supervisor may edit/comment on the application during this stage); and
  • Upon submission of the application by the student (the supervisor will be required to 'approve' / 'not approve' the application for submission to the formal ethics review process); and
  • Upon completion of the Ethics Board review, indicating that either (1) it has been given a 'Favourable Opinion' (i.e. has received Board approval) or (2) if the application has been returned to the student for further revision and resubmission.
Can external Co-Is or supervisors access the system?

The system is only accessible to individuals who have an e-mail address.

What should I do if amendments are required to projects that were approved using previous ethics application processes (i.e. prior to the implementation of Worktribe Ethics)?

Please check your Board guidance for further information if you wish to make an amendment to an ethics application that received approval prior to the introduction of the Worktribe Ethics application process.

Can ethics applications be submitted for unfunded projects? Can we link multiple ethics applications to a single funded project in Worktribe?

Ethics applications can be created as 'standalone' projects i.e. not linked to a funded project that has already been created in the Worktribe 'Projects' module (Research Award Management System).

Multiple ethics applications can be linked to single funded projects recorded in Worktribe i.e. the funded projects created under the 'Projects' module. Where a linked ethics application exists, the project record in Worktribe displays an 'Ethics' tab which provides details of all linked ethics applications and their approval status.

Can we store completed consent forms in Worktribe alongside other documentation related to the ethics approval?

Worktribe allows for the storage of documents related to the ethics application within the document tab.

However, Worktribe is not a repository for research related paperwork. Copies of completed consent forms (and any other associated research documentation) should be stored alongside any other research data in the specific data storage for research projects made available by IT Services: Data Storage & Archiving | StaffNet | The University of Aberdeen (

User Guides - REVISED

Worktribe guides

These user guides were created by Worktribe using a demonstration system. This means that what you see in the University system may be slightly different from the screenshots in the guides - for example, you might not see as many menus. This does not affect the written guidance nor the functionality of the system.

General guide

This document provides a general overview of the Worktribe interface and summarises common activities that you may use. For example: signing in, menus and basic navigation, notifications and comments, searching, viewing a record and editing a record.

Ethics Users' Guide

This document provides a step-by-step guide to using the Ethics module.

Assessing Risk Levels in Submitted Projects

The University's Ethics Advisory Group (see 'Committtes for Research Ethics & Governance') have prepared the following guidance which is used by the internal ethics boards to allocate an appropriate risk level for projects submitted for ethical approval via the Worktribe Ethics process.

Support and Feedback

If you have any questions regarding this project and the new system please contact the Worktribe Ethics team (