Grants Academy training

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Grants Academy training

Grants Academy training is focussed on grant acquistion and research compliance and is primarily delivered through the ResearchBites programme. This is complementary to other training available on wider career development from the Researcher Development team and training on research ethics & governance and research integrity.


The Grants Academy inconjunction with other R&I and Professional Services sections including Digital Research, the library and HR deliver the ResearchBite series. These hour-long sessions cover areas from 'getting started' in research to more in depth focus on topics such as data compliance, the UKRI Résumé for Researchers, the Nagoya protocol, research culture and consultancy.

The programme is refreshed regularly to stay up to date with changes in prevailing requirements. The calendar of sessions is advertised to Schools and available here. Registration can be made through course bookings .

Researchers can also propose topics for new ResearchBites sessions at any time.

UKRI Boot Camp

The UKRI Bootcamp is aimed at staff planning to make an application to UKRI in the near future. Delivered across five sessions as a dedicated space for bid development, the bootcamp has been designed to enable applicants to transform their creative ideas into a draft proposal that can ultimately be submitted to a UKRI Research Council.

The UKRI Bootcamp is open to researchers at any career stage who haven't secured UKRI funding in the last 5 years and who have begun to develop a project suitable for a UKRI funder. Those who wish to join should be nominated by their Head of School or School Director of Research and submit a lay summary of their proposed project (up to 4000 characters).

Workshops will be participatory, attendees must commit to attending all five workshops and be prepared to share their research ideas with the group (confidentiality rules will apply). Some directed tasks will be allocated between sessions but these are not onerous and are designed to ensure the workshops deliver the intended outcomes.

UKRI funding service

Summary: During 2023, all UKRI research councils will transition from the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system to the new UKRI Funding Service for the submission of research applications. The Funding Service has a number of differences to Je-S and colleagues who are planning UKRI applications should familiarise themselves with the new requirements.

The Grants Academy will be offering short online information sessions on the new UKRI Funding Service over the autumn which will be advertised shortly.

More information: Researchers can also contact their Research Development Executive contact at any point with queries. Further information on the Funding Service can be found here and a UKRI webinar here.