Pure contains information on research publications, activities and impact. Although publications can be imported from a range of external sources, impact, activities, prizes and media attention should be added manually to Pure.
Pure also contains information synchronised from other University systems e.g., applications, awards, HR data and postgraduate student supervision.
The Personalising and Accessing Pure guide can be used to add information to your Pure profile. A video guide is also available. A University account is required to access the video.
Information from Pure is made available on the Public Research Portal . Content displayed on the portal is updated, added and edited through Pure, updating the visibility settings in Pure allows you to control what is publicly available on the portal.
Content Visibility
- How do I change content visibility in Pure?
If you want to update your research content, either to make it visible or to restrict access, the content visibility guide should help you edit your content in Pure. We suggest keeping restricted content to a minimum, however please let administrators know where there is a clear requirment to set your content as restricted or confidential.
Note: overall visibility is controlled through your personal profile, both publication visibility and your own profile visibility needs to be public if you want your publications to show on the portal and on staff pages. The guide to making your profile public may help if you cannot see your publications the portal or on staff pages.
Central teams at the University approve and validate most content types before it is made public, due to these validation steps there may be a small delay before a publication appears on the Portal.
Pure and academic promotions
- Research Outputs and Activities
Research outputs (publications) and research activities (memberships, conference participation, public engagement or engagement with Industry, Peer review activity, etc.) should be recorded in Pure to reflect academic activity undertaken while employed at the University of Aberdeen. Publications produced prior to joining the University of Aberdeen can also be showcased through Pure to provide a full academic profile
Academic staff applying for promotion should make sure that Pure is up to date and is reflective of their publications, open research, research activities and other esteem factors.
Data from Pure can be supplied to Heads of Schools as part of the promotions process. Individuals can check what data is in Pure and what may be supplied to their Head of School by following this guide
- Research Supervision
Information on postgraduate research supervision is available in Pure, with details of Research Postgraduates synchronised from the student records system. If you are supervising an undergraduate student or a postgraduate student not undertaking a research track this will not be visible through Pure.
Academics can view their supervision information on their personal overview screen in Pure
If any details are incorrect or missing please notify the Pure team by emailing pure-feedback@abdn.ac.uk
Academics Student supervision is shown for each year of study, so some duplication will be seen when viewing former students.
Summary data for student supervision over the past five years can be provided to Heads of School as part of the promotions process
An example report of student supervision is shown below
- Research Funding: Internal awards
Pump prime funding, and other internal funding streams can be recorded in Pure. Internal funding awards are not currently recorded in Worktribe to avoid duplication in financial accounting.
Academic staff applying for promotion should check Pure to make sure that internal funding has been recorded and is up to date.
If any Internal funding is missing from your record, please contact pure-feedback@abdn.ac.uk and provide the following information:
- Project Title
- ID (funder reference / budget codes provided by the university)
- first name, last name and internal or external affiliation for all researchers listed on the award
- Funding body name or Internal award stream
- Award value
- Award date
- Start date and end date of the project
Project information for internal awards recorded in Pure can be supplied to Heads of Schools as part of the promotions process.
You can check your project information in Pure using the personal overview screen or the cv style report in Pure
- Research Applications, Awards: External Funding
Applications & Awards are recorded in Worktribe for all externally funded grants where funding is allocated to the University of Aberdeen. Data from Worktribe is sent to Pure so that research funding can be linked with publications and other research outputs.
Academic staff applying for promotion should make sure that applications and awards are up to date. Your Research Development Executive, and the Pre and Post award teams can help if you have any queries about the status of an award.
Academics can view their applications and awards by accessing Worktribe or by viewing the synchronised data in Pure .
Information on Applications and Awards can be supplied to Heads of Schools if requested as part of the promotions process.
Public Research Portal and Aberdeen University Research Archive (AURA)
The Research Portal displays research outputs that have been entered in Pure, the University's research information system. The research portal links the AURA where open access full text publications are available to read.
The image below shows how many times visitors to AURA have accessed University of Aberdeen publications.
The following content is available on the research portal:
- Individual Researcher Information (Profiles)
- Information grouped by School, Discipline, Research Group, Research Centers, and research facilities.
- Research Outputs (publications)
- Datasets
- Impact
- Activities
- Press/Media
- Prizes
The research portal and staff pages draw information directly from Pure. To ensure your information is up to date, please contact paperaccepted when you submit a new publication, and add your research activities and Impact to Pure.
Note: You can edit the appearance of your public profile page by changing the settings in Pure. Use the guides mentioned above to do this.
You can create a list of five items that you want to highlight on the Research Portal from within Pure. The Highlighted Content Guide explains how to add highlighted content to your public profile.
ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID and is a unique identifier that researchers can adopt.
ORCID is a way for researchers to eliminate name ambiguity, and accurately connect authors to their work throughout their career.
- Who are ORCID?
The ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor IDentifier) registry is managed by ORCID (Inc.) , a not-for-profit organisation formed in 2010.
ORCID is dedicated to solving the name ambiguity problem by giving researchers and authors a single unique ID which works across the research landscape.
The work of ORCID is guided by an agreed set of principles .
ORCID operates internationally with its headquarters in Bethesda, USA.
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo .
More information on ORCID and its organisational structure is provided within their FAQs .
- Why Use ORCID?
It is important to establish a unique professional identity throughout your academic and research career ORCID ® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent identifier for researchers, promotes discoverability of your research activities and makes sure you get the credit for the work you do.
Your personal ORCID distinguishes you from other researchers, and lets you link your research publications and other outputs to your identifier, to help maximise the impact of your research.
Reasons to have an ORCID
- Distinguish yourself: ensure that all your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you. ORCID reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations. It improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs
- Take your records with you: ORCID is persistent (enduring), your ORCID belongs to you and stays with you throughout your career.
- Quickly becoming an international standard: ORCID is interoperable and works with many institutions, research funders, and publishers across the world.
- Recognised by Pure: ORCID helps university systems to gather and share information.
- Helps to reduce form-filling: Enter your data into Pure, connect it with ORCID and re-use it often.
- An ORCID is mandated by some funders: You must use your ORCID in Wellcome Trust and NIHR grant applications. ORCID is also used in the Research Excellence Framework (REF).
- Open to all, non-profit and community-driven: ORCID is a non-proprietry service maintained for the benefit of researchers in all disciplines and at all career stages.
- It's free!: Registration is free and fast for all researchers and authors, it takes as little as 30 seconds to register.
- Add ORCID to Pure
- Integrate ORCID to Researchfish
Integration between Pure, ORCID and Researchfish means that information can flow from Pure to ORCID and on to Researchfish. Outputs in your ORCID profile will be sent to Researchfish , and can then be added to your grant(s).
Connect ORCID to Researchfish in just three steps
- Log-in to your Researchfish account.
- Expand the ORCID tab and click the "Create or Connect your ORCID iD" link.
- Sign-in to your ORCID account, or register for an account.
The two accounts are now linked. Outputs added to your ORCID profile will be available for selection in Researchfish. In addition, grants from your Researchfish profile will be added to your ORCID record.