The University hosts over 50 Research Centres, bringing scholars together to interrogate thematic questions, often across disciplines. They are an important and thriving part of the research culture at Aberdeen, allowing new research questions to be shaped, providing a network for colleagues to exchange ideas, and supporting lectures, exhibitions and public engagement.
As part of the 2021 Research Centre review it was agreed that each Centre should submit an annual report to the Research Centre Oversight Committee, via their School Director of Research. The current round of annual reporting will take place in September/October 2024 with a light touch approach to mitigate workload pressures.
- Research Centre Annual Reporting
As part of the 2021 Research Centre review it was agreed that each Centre should submit an annual report to the Research Centre Oversight Committee, via their School Director of Research. The next round of annual reporting will take place in September/October 2024, but will be a streamlined process in order to reduce workload and reporting burden.
Centre reports normally consist of four elements, two of which are automated from the University's research systems, Pure and Worktribe.
- Research income report from Worktribe (automated)
- Publication activity report from Pure (automated)
- Update/review of current staff affiliated to the centre
- A short report outlining the main activities and any relevant changes of the centre including, but not limited to, areas of resource and governance, external engagement and recognition, and PGR activity
All registered centres will receive an income and activity report at the end of September 2024, these will be in the same format as the interim reports issued in April 2024.
For existing Centres registered with full centre status the update of staff affiliated to the centre (element 3) and the short report outlining activity and relevant changes (element 4) will not be required in academic year 2024/25, this is to reduce workload and reporting burden.
For existing Centres that were registered as 'in development' or 're-development' the update of staff affiliated to the centre (element 3) and the short report outlining activity and relevant changes (element 4) will only be required if the centre wishes to apply for full centre status, this is to reduce workload and reporting burden.
Registered Centres in development or re-development seeking full centre status in this academic year should provide all four elements of the report to their lead School for initial approval. Schools should evaluate the request and provide a recommended status. Feedback from Schools will be sent to the Research Centre Oversight Committee, and successful registrations will be advised to Centre Directors, Schools, and the University Research Committee. The Research Centre Oversight Committee aims to process registrations for full centre status within six weeks of receiving feedback from Schools.
Registrations are open and can be submitted at any time between 30 September 2024 and 30 June 2025. Centres can request an updated list of income and activity if registering later in the academic year. Email to request an updated report.
Registered Centres that are no longer active should email this is to allow us to update relevant research systems.
Information for groups wishing to register as a new Centre is available in the next tab.
- Registering as a new Centre
Groups wishing to register as a new Centre should:
- Compile a list of grants or other income relevant to the work of the centre in the previous year.
- Compile a list of publications from the previous year, relevant to the work of the proposed centre, by staff who would be affiliated to the centre.
- Complete the online registration form.
The online registration form will be available from 30 September 2024. To offer more flexibility there will be no deadline for applying to become a new research centre, the registration form will remain open between 30 September 2024 and 30 June 2025 and can be completed at any time.
The online registration form will ask a range of questions to understand if the proposed research centre meets the criteria as set out in the 2021 Research Centre review:
- a defined research strategy
- a critical mass of researchers
- events and outputs to deliver on the centre strategy
- demonstration of the benefits of Centre status (such as leverage of funds).
Completed registration forms will be sent to Schools for review.
Feedback from Schools will be sent to the Research Centre Oversight Committee, and successful registrations will be advised to Centre Directors, Schools, and the University Research Committee.
The Research Centre Oversight Committee aims to process registrations for new centres within six weeks of receiving feedback from Schools.
- Research Centre Profiles
The communications team are keen to raise the profile internally and externally of our Research Centres. You can boost the profile of your Research Centre by taking a photo of your team, or a photo that represents your research, and answering a few simple questions.
Getting to Know - Research Centre template
- Who's in the Centre?
- What does the Centre do?
- Why is it important?
- What are some of your big projects or activities right now?
- Any other key takeaways about your Centre?
- What's the best thing about being part of the Centre?
When you have the answers to the above questions, please:
- provide a photograph of your team alongside your article. This can be taken on a smart phone but needs to be of reasonable quality. Please avoid sending photos in which any faces are obscured.
- send your completed article and photograph to
- ensure that your writing is easy to read and understand. Please note that communications team may make minor amendments to articles for layout, style and ease of communication with readers.
Completed articles will be posted on StaffNet and shared in the weekly staff ezine, StaffNet News. A link to past examples of Getting to Know team profiles can be found on the getting to know you archive
- Research Centre Review 2021
During 2021 we undertook a review of research Centres across the University, the resulting report is available here: 2021 Research Centre review. In implementing the recommendations of this report we invited applications to register as a research Centre.
Current research Centres and those wishing to establish a new research Centre were required to submit a registration form in December 2022. Research Centres were in most cases proposed by a single School (even if members came from Schools outside the host School) but in cases where they were proposed by more than one School, a lead School was identified. Prior to registering, directors of existing or new Centres were strongly encouraged to speak with the relevant School Director of Research. Our Aberdeen 2040 Interdisciplinary Research Themes were not included in this process.
The Research Centre Review established that research Centres are expected to have a research strategy; a critical mass of researchers; hold events to deliver on their strategy; and be able to demonstrate the benefits of research Centre status. It is expected that a research Centre would deliver on priorities within the research strategy of the proposing School(s).
Centre registration provides access to common resources (such as IT support for establishing the structure of web pages). Our infrastructure software to support research (such as Worktribe and Pure) allows activities, such as publications and grants, to be linked to registered research Centres.
The registration process was aligned to be very similar to that required for the 2021 review. Those Centres which took part in the review and where there were no substantial issues raised, had the option of using the previously supplied information as part of this registration process. Alternatively they were able to submit an updated registration form. For new Centre proposals or existing Centres which did not participate in the 2021 review, they were asked to submit a full registration form. New Centres (or existing Centres in the process of substantial change) were able to opt to apply for “Centre in Development” status. Where awarded it is expected that research Centre status would normally be held for a period of 5 years. For those awarded “Centre in Development” status, a timetable for becoming a research Centre will be agreed. Only research Centres whose registration is approved will be recognised as such from April 2023 onwards.
The registration process closed in December 2022. Sixty-five centres participated in the registration process and thirty-eight centres were approved as full centres with a further eighteen centres in development or redevelopment.