Mrs Lois Gall

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Mrs Lois Gall
Mrs Lois Gall
Mrs Lois Gall


Clinical Senior Lecturer

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 553509
Office Address

Room A118

Aberdeen Dental School

Cornhill Road


AB25 2ZR

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition


I graduated from University of Dundee Dental School in 2001 and after completing dental Vocational Training in Tayside worked in the Community Dental Service in Aberdeen where I developed an interest in Special Care Dentistry particularly adults with learning disability. 

Joining the University of Aberdeen Dental School in 2009 gave me an opportunity to continue my clinical career in Special Care Dentistry and was awarded specialist status with the GDC in 2010.  As part of the Special Care team at the Dental School I have helped develop the course in Special Care Dentistry which is taught in the BDS4 programme by a mixture of face to face teaching, student observation on specialist clinics, case based discussion and small group workshops.  As one of my areas of interest is in breaking down barriers to dental treatment it is hoped by including the Special Care course in the BDS programme that we give our graduates the confidence to see those patients with additional needs and provide all round holisitc treatment.

I am Year Lead for the BDS4 course so liaise closely with the theme and assessment leads to ensure the course and assessments run smoothly and provide direct student support.  The BDS4 students attend Outreach clinics in Stornaway and Elgin so I also have to liaise closely with the Outreach Lead as well as the clinical supervisors in these other centres. I also spend 2 sessions per week supervising the BDS4 and BDS5 students on clinic whilst they provide direct patient care. Another role I have within Institute of Dentistry is that of Athen Swan Co Lead.  Athena Swan is committed to recognising advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all. 

In 2014, I completed my Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education and I am an Associate of the Higher Education Academy.

Clinically, I am a Senior Dental Officer for NHS Grampian and chair the Managed Clinical Network for Special Care Dentistry.  I provide direct patient care at the Institute of Dentistry and also carry out Adult Special Care General Anaesthetic clinics at Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital frequently working in mulitdisciplinary teams with anaesthetics, Maxillio-facial and other medical colleagues as well as those in the local Health and Social Care Partnerships.