Cochrane Collaboration Stroke Review Group, Professors Charles Warlow and Peter Sandercock, University of Edinburgh, UK, 1993-98.
Scottish Audit of Intracranial Vascular Malformations, Professor Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2002-2014.
PDMED trial, Professor Carl Clarke, University of Birmingham, UK, 2004-2020.
Clinical trial methods in neurodegenerative diseases, Professor John Zajicek, University of Plymouth, UK, 2009-2014.
PDCOMM trial, Professor Sackley, University of Nottingham, UK, 2016-2023.
NICE technology appraisals for multiple sclerosis, Universities of Warwick and Exeter, UK, 2016-2022
Parkinson's Incidence Cohorts Collaboration, Professor Tysnes, Dr Guido Alves, Professor Lars Forsgren, Dr Caroline Williams-Gray, Dr Alison Yarnall, Universities of Stavanger (Norway), Umea (Sweden), Cambridge (UK) and Newcastle (UK), 2018 ongoing
PD Connect exercise trial, Julie Jones, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK, 2019-2022