National Student Survey results

National Student Survey results

Dear colleagues,

The National Student Survey (NSS) results are out and I am delighted to let you know that our University ranks 2nd in Scotland for overall student satisfaction* and 15th in the UK out of 122 universities for positive responses.**  

Measuring student feedback across a broad range of areas related to their learning experience, the 2024 survey has seen our scores for overall satisfaction and average positivity continue to climb, rising to 85.5% and 84.3% respectively.

This is a brilliant achievement and is our fourth year in a row of excellent results, demonstrating our continued focus on the student experience as a community of university colleagues.  

It is particularly welcome to see that the University has ranked top 10 in the UK for a range of metrics, including opportunities for feedback (1st in the UK), learning resources (3rd), academic support (6th), and teaching (7th).

For overall satisfaction, which is measured in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland only, the University has ranked 2nd in Scotland and 3rd overall in the devolved nations.  

Out of 122 UK higher education institutions, we are 1st in the UK (positive responses) for:

  • Earth Sciences
  • History of Art Architecture and Design
  • Human Geography
  • Linguistics

I am also delighted to let you know that the University is 1st in Scotland for the following subjects:

  • Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology  
  • Anthropology  
  • Biology (non-specific)  
  • Biotechnology  
  • Building  
  • Business Studies  
  • Earth Sciences  
  • Forensic and Archaeological Sciences  
  • French Studies  
  • History of Art, Architecture and Design  
  • Human Geography  
  • Iberian Studies  
  • Linguistics  
  • Management Studies  
  • Microbiology and Cell Science  
  • Music  
  • Others in Biosciences  
  • Physical Geographical Sciences  
  • Teacher Training  
  • Theology and Religious Studies

Following a strong performance in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, the Guardian, Times and Sunday Times, and the QS Subject rankings, these results demonstrate our continued commitment to excellence in our education and delivering a great student experience.  

Further information will be shared once we have examined the findings in more detail, but in the meantime, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work. It was already clear how much effort goes into supporting our students and these fantastic results only confirm that.  

You should all be incredibly proud of this result, each and every person has contributed to this outcome and your commitment to our students is clear.  

Best wishes     


Jo-Anne Murray

Vice- Principal (Education)

* Since 2023 the overall satisfaction question is only applicable to universities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

** The ranking is an aggregated mean average of the positive responses percentage across the 25 questions that are asked at all UK institutions, across the University.

*** The ranking is out of 122 higher education institutions that have been included in the Guardian University Guide 2024.