Reminder of strike action this week and next

Reminder of strike action this week and next

Dear colleagues,

Following my earlier message about industrial action planned by the University and College Union (UCU), just a reminder that the dates for strike action over staff pay and pensions are:

  • Thursday 24 November
  • Friday 25 November
  • Wednesday 30 November

The University will remain open for business as normal during the period of dispute.

I have to advise you that you must let your Head of School / Section know if you take part in strike action, otherwise it will be assumed that you are working normally on those days. This form is for providing notification of strike participation.  

I am also obliged to advise that taking part in strike action is in breach of your contract of employment and a day’s pay will be withheld from your salary for the day(s) affected. The level withheld will be calculated at 1/365th of annual salary per day.

Following a constructive meeting with Aberdeen UCU, we have agreed that pay deductions for November action will be made in the January 2023 payroll.

It has also been agreed that the University will continue to pay employer contributions to participating USS scheme members, and that employee pension contributions will be deducted as normal, regardless of any reduction in salary as a result of strike action. This will ensure continuity of pension scheme membership and benefits.

I am aware that staff may also be impacted by closure of schools as a result of strike action across Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire on Thursday this week.  If this impacts on you, please discuss with your Head of School / Section. I can provide assurances that flexibility will be provided for staff where they are not able to attend work as a result and this may include working from home where possible, or by using the Special Leave provisions agreed earlier this year.

If you are absent due to sickness on the day(s) of industrial action, you must follow the normal absence reporting procedure. Requests for annual leave should be submitted in the normal manner.  

In preparation for industrial action and to minimise the impact on our student experience, I have asked Heads of School / Section to advise of any anticipated operational difficulties. It would be helpful if you could let your Head of School/Section know in advance if you do intend to take action.

The University recognises the right of trade union members to take industrial action and we expect there will be a number of peaceful picket lines across campus. We strongly wish to maintain constructive talks and positive working relations with Aberdeen UCU throughout this national dispute and hope that a resolution to the dispute can be found in the coming days.

Further information:


Karl Leydecker
Senior Vice-Principal