Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 10 of 10, 06 - 22 September 2017
Changes in the Confucius Institute
The Confucius Institute has had a fantastic start to the new academic year, with new exchange staff arriving in Aberdeen from China and participating in Aberdeen Doors open Day for the first time this year, it was a fantastic day with more than 240 people visiting the Institute to enjoy...
Flavour of the month
Fancy trying something a little bit different in your hot drink? Visit any of our campus catering outlets to try our flavour of the month.
Junior Girls in Engineering Conference held in Aberdeen
Over 40 primary school pupils from across Aberdeen have taken part in the Junior Girls in Engineering Conference.
University signs partnership agreement with Forth Valley College
The University of Aberdeen has signed an articulation agreement with Forth Valley College that paves the way for HNC and HND engineering students to gain a degree.
Obesity conference comes to Aberdeen
Experts in diet and nutrition from across the UK gathered in Aberdeen recently for a conference on the neurobiology of obesity.
Widening access initiative gets seal of approval from college graduates
A group of students from across Scotland have just completed a new initiative that prepares college graduates for life at the University of Aberdeen.
Uni laptops on their way to Malawi
The University shipped 18 recycled laptops to Zomba Theological College in Malawi this week, where they will be given to students studying for their MThs and PhDs. Last year the University entered into a collaborative partnership with Zomba Theological College in Malawi in order to provide postgraduate theological education and training...
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Review and Implementation Project
Professor Peter Mcgeorge, Chair of the VLE Review and Implementation Project and Vice-Principal Learning & Teaching
International Jobs for University of Aberdeen students and graduates: A new resource to find international opportunities.
'Fantastic Plastic' brings hundreds of school pupils to University
Over 350 school pupils from across Aberdeen city and shire descended on the University of Aberdeen earlier this week for a lecture on the innovative qualities of plastic.