Page 1 of 3Results 1 to 10 of 23, 19 - 27 October 2023
Clarification - Principal's Update
Dear colleagues, We are writing to clarify that contrary to the erroneous reports in the media and circulating within the University, the University has not begun formal consultation regarding redundancies for any staff. Reports that the University is facing a £15m underperformance against budget are also incorrect as the Senior Team set...
Head of the Business School
Dear colleagues, I am delighted to announce that following a competitive recruitment process, John Skåtun has been appointed as Head of the Business School. Alongside Bill Jackson, John has held the position of Interim Head of School since April 2023 and will therefore take up his position as Head of School from...
Principal's Update
Update on University budget position
Nominations for the Excellence Awards 2024 are now open!
The Principal’s Excellence Awards are a celebration of our staff, students and alumni, recognising the outstanding contributions that our people make to the University community and beyond. This year sees the return of popular awards, including the: Alum of the Year Young Alum of the Year Outstanding Team Award Excellence in Customer Service Award Rising Star...
Dean for International Student Recruitment
Dear Colleagues, Further to our call for the role of Dean for International Student Recruitment, I am delighted to announce that following a competitive internal application and interview recruitment process Dr Srinivas Sriramula has been appointed to the role effective from 1 November 2023. Srinivas will have strategic responsibility for the effective...
Celebrating 10 years of Aberdeen's Confucius Institute
Last week the University welcomed a senior delegation from its partner, Wuhan University, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Confucius Institute. Professor Zhao Xuemei, Vice Chair of Wuhan University Council was accompanied by a delegation of six senior staff and they were met by Professor Alan Speight, Vice Principal Global...
Bitesize Freedom of Information
Have you heard of Freedom of Information? Or FOI? It is a law which allows people to ask for information about public bodies.
Severe weather warnings close campuses tomorrow
Dear colleague, Further to yesterday’s message regarding Storm Babet and the extension of the red and amber weather warnings, we have decided to close our Old Aberdeen and Foresterhill campuses tomorrow (Friday 20 October) as the safety of our students and staff must be our priority. Vital on-campus services will still be...
USS Pension Scheme Open Session - 1 November
Learn about the upcoming USS Pension Scheme Open Session
Staff Open Session, 26 October
Learn about the upcoming Staff Open Session