Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 14, 14 - 28 May 2020
Thank you for contributing to the Covid-19 effort
Viktoria Eriksson, who is in the second year of a PhD in Sociology, has spent the last three months on placement with the Scottish Household Survey. As part of her role she has developed a more user-friendly and accessible method of sharing survey data which usually requires expert skills to...
New! MS Teams online training sessions
We are introducing regular online Teams sessions to our popular MS Office 'Focus on...' series!
EasyJet Data Breach
In January, EasyJet suffered a major data breach. The details of approximately 9 million customers - including email addresses, travel plans as well as a small number of credit/debit card details - were stolen.
Meet the campus stars keeping things running
While many of us have been adapting to home working, a dedicated team has continued to work on campus to ensure the security of buildings, support students who remain in halls and to provide the equipment necessary to facilitate distance working and learning.
University team challenge covers 525 miles to raise funds for students
The University's Access and Articulation Team has taken up the challenge of covering a massive 525 miles to support the Development Trust's #525Covid19 Bursary appeal to help students who face financial hardship as a result of the current health crisis.
Information Security and Governance - updated guidance on working from home
We may be getting used to working from home, but it is still important to understand the risks for handling University devices and data, including personal data, and to know our responsibilities.
Providing online reading lists in support of blended learning
An important message from the University Librarian and Vice-Principal for Education regarding online provision of Library resources.
Thank you for contributing to the Covid-19 effort
Professor Gary Macfarlane, Clinical Chair in Epidemiology, is leading a study that will examine the impact of lockdown on patients with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. The £52,000 study is funded by the charity Versus Arthritis and the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR). The Rowett Institute has contributed to a range...
Covid19 - Staff Update - workload pressures
Staff update - 14 May 2020
Thank you for contributing to the Covid-19 effort
Academics from across the University have been acknowledged by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), after contributing to a survey outlining their concerns around the impacts of the Covid-19 outbreak. The results of the survey will be used to share insights with the UK Parliament to help it navigate...