Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 9 of 9, 07 - 28 March 2024
Start Her conference
The Start Her Conference took place at the University of Aberdeen this week. The empowering entrepreneurship event aimed to inspire women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. Attendees also celebrated the remarkable stories of women entrepreneurs and investors within the University community and Aberdeen enterprise community. You can find a gallery of photos...
Summer graduation ceremonies
Invitation to Process
Reminder of deadline for expressions of interest for ER & VS and FAQs update
Dear colleagues, This is just a reminder that the deadline for expressing an interest in Enhanced Retirement and Voluntary Severance is Tuesday 2 April. After that the deadline to submit a formal application for Enhanced Retirement or Voluntary Severance is 30 April, but to be eligible colleagues must have expressed their interest...
Professor Graeme Nixon, School of Education
Dear colleagues, I am very sorry to share the sad news that Professor Graeme Nixon passed away at the weekend following a period of illness. Graeme worked at the School of Education for 19 years prior to his retirement at the end of February 24. He was programme director of the University’s...
Harmonisation of Terms and Conditions of Employment
Dear colleague, This is to update you on the progress that has been made with regard to harmonisation of terms and conditions of employment. As previously communicated, following constructive discussion in a workshop, key proposals were being submitted to the Senior Management Team (SMT) for consideration. The SMT agreed these proposals which...
Reimagining our Campuses - give your feedback
Dear colleagues, You may recall we announced last year the Reimagining our Campuses project and its remit to explore how our campuses at Old Aberdeen, Foresterhill and Hillhead could look in the years ahead. Much progress has since been made both by members of the project team and our wider community, through...
Beware Tax Season Phishing
Cyber criminals are very good at exploiting seasonal events and current affairs to lend legitimacy to their scams. This can include parcel delivery scams around the festive season, or fake donation requests following natural disasters. As we approach the end of the financial year, many businesses and individuals have recently submitted...
Enhanced Retirement and Voluntary Severance extended
Dear colleagues
Risk of Redundancy lifted from Staff in Modern Languages
Dear colleagues, Following last week’s decision to remove the risk of redundancy from staff in Gaelic, the University has now lifted the possibility of compulsory redundancy from remaining staff at risk in Modern Languages. We have taken this decision against the backdrop of a strong set of proposals from staff in Modern...