Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 11, 08 - 29 June 2020
Views sought on teaching capacity
Staff update - June 29, 2020
Top tips from Nicole Cochrane
Alumni Engagement Co-ordinator
Phishing - still a major threat
Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have observed a dramatic and sustained increase in the number of phishing attacks targeting the University.
Telephone scams and how to avoid them
In the past week, we have become aware of increased activity by telephone scammers targeting staff members. The groups behind these scams are highly organised, professional, and ruthless in their operation. Here are our tips on how to spot and avoid these scams.
Student Progress website and Credit Point Calculator
Are your students asking you for advice on their academic situation/progression? The Student Progress website and its ‘Credit Point Calculator’ have been designed, by your School Registry Officer, to give undergraduate students tailored support and guidance based on their assessment results and current credit total. We encourage you to give...
Top tips for working from home - Dr Malcolm Harvey (Lecturer in Politics & International Relations)
By now, some three months into this strange new reality, there isn't much new under the sun. Every day looks the same. Teams meetings fluctuate between a joy and a chore. The home office is also the home gym... and where the washing dries out of shot....
Advancing Race Equality at the University of Aberdeen
Race equality sits at the core of the University of Aberdeen. We are proud to be one of the 62 UK members (5 in Scotland) of the Advance HE's Race Equality Charter (REC) which provides a framework through which institutions work to identify and challenge barriers to recruitment, progression and...
From Aberdeen to...CASE award success
A campaign highlighting the achievements of the University's alumni community has been honoured with a prestigious award from a leading educational body.
Next MS Teams online training session - Working with Files
Come along to the next in our series of online 'Focus on... MS Teams' sessions!
Staff and Student Update - Black Lives Matter
Dear Colleagues and Students, As a University which strives to be open and welcoming, diverse and inclusive, we recognise that the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has prompted sadness, grief, outrage and anxiety in America and across the world. Over the last two weeks we have seen demonstrations across...