Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 13, 05 - 28 June 2019
Digital and Information Services survey results 2019
You told us what you think of our services in this year's survey - now see the results online!
Finish line in sight for Malcolm in 10k a day challenge
The finishing line is in sight for University of Aberdeen politics lecturer Malcolm Harvey who will this weekend complete a gruelling 30-day challenge which has seen him run 10k every day in June for charity.
Diversity Travel workshops
On 2nd July 2019, Diversity Travel will be hosting a series of sessions at the University, designed to improve knowledge of how to use its offline booking facilities.
Celebrating Armed forces Reserves Day
On Wednesday 26 June the University will celebrate Armed forces Reserves Day, as a special thank you to our staff and students who are Reservists.
Open Access Publishing Briefing: cOAlition S releases new version of Plan S and Aberdeen launches a
The University of Aberdeen encourages the publication of its research outputs in Open Access form and this is a requirement both of REF2021 and an ever increasing number of research funders. An international coalition of funders is working towards a transformational and sustainable Open Access model, called Plan S, which...
Churchill Fellowship
A Churchill Fellowship is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to expand your professional and personal horizons by researching an issue that you care about, with the global leaders in that subject, anywhere in the world. Funding is available for two months overseas, meeting experts, visiting projects and learning new ideas. The status...
Using the Student Progress website
Are your students asking you for advice on their academic situation/progression? The Student Progress website and its ‘Credit Point Calculator’ have been designed, by your School Registry Officer, to give undergraduate students tailored support and guidance based on their recent assessment results and current credit total. We encourage you to...
May Festival thank you from the Principal
I would like to say thank you to everyone involved with organising and supporting May Festival this year. It was our largest festival yet and we've received a lot of positive feedback from people who attended.
Telephone extension review
We’re reviewing all telephone extensions across the University and would like your help.
Upgrade for Maxwell the 'supercomputer'
Maxwell, the University's high-performance computing (HPC), is set for a £750,000 upgrade, which will dramatically improve and increase the services it offers currently.