Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 14, 14 - 30 January 2015
A resounding success: Handel's Messiah under Ralph Allwood MBE
An all day "Come-and-Sing" choral workshop involving staff and students from the university was held on Saturday 24th January in the MacRobert Building Lecture Theatre. An element of community outreach was also an important facet of the event, since nearly half of the 50 participants were 'guest' singers from choirs...
A symposium to celebrate Aberdeen's pioneering bio-entrepreneurs
Aberdeen has a strong reputation in the commercialisation of scientific ideas going back many years with people such as Professor Bill Harris and Professor Norman Hardman in the vanguard of this movement. Sadly, 2014 saw these two pioneers pass away. Their legacy however remains, with commercialisation of the University’s intellectual property portfolio...
May Festival receives Visit Scotland funding
It was announced this week that The May Festival has been selected by Visit Scotland to receive funding from its Year of Food and Drink event fund. The festival will receive £7,750 in funding will allow the University to bring a fantastic and innovative programme of food and drink events to...
Aberdeen Sports Village nominated for ukactive Flame Awards 2015
Aberdeen Sports Village has been nominated as one of the best sport, health & fitness facilities in the UK as part of the ukactive Flame Awards 2015. Further information on ukactive and the Flame Awards can be found here. As part of the judging process, ukactive wants to know the thoughts...
Invitation to Founders' Day
Invitation to Founders’ Day Sunday 8 February 2015 11am, King’s College Chapel, University of Aberdeen I warmly invite you to attend this important commemorative occasion. On Founders’ Day we pay tribute to our historic origins as an ancient university and we light a candle to give thanks for the vision of Bishop Elphinstone and...
Gilbert and Sullivan Society to present latest show
The University of Aberdeen Gilbert and Sullivan Society is once again treading the boards and will present a lesser-known work: Princess Ida. Gilbert's "respectful perversion" of Tennyson's romantic poem The Princess is often seen as merely a Victorian male chauvinist's satire on advanced education for women; but Gilbert is not so naive, and...
Staff meeting rooms - new booking process
STAFF MEETING ROOMS - NEW BOOKING PROCESS! Members of staff can now exclusively use Outlook to schedule (book) meetings rooms for University business. A fact sheet has been produced, outlining the simple steps for booking a meeting room using your existing Outlook. This new process includes the following rooms: Edward Wright F61 Edward Wright Annex G04 James Scotland Suite...
Continuing professional development framework for learning and teaching in higher education launched
The Centre for Academic Development recently launched its CPD Framework for Learning and Teaching after securing its professional accreditation by the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The Framework is fully aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF). Three flexible routes to professional recognition...
TV and radio scheduling service for HE and FE
Staff and students at Aberdeen now have access to over 1 million TV and radio programmes from 2007 onwards.
REMINDER: Rowett chat launch
If you are looking for advice or tips on healthy eating, get on Twitter this afternoon to put your questions to Dr Alexandra Johnstone. Today is the launch of #rowettchat on Twitter, with Dr Johnstone hosting the Rowett's first online discussion at 1pm. Follow @rowett_abdn to take part, and don't the forget the...