Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 9 of 9, 09 - 29 August 2022
Be aware of 'silent killer' Sepsis
As Sepsis Awareness Month gets underway, Neil Curtis, Head of Museums & Special Collections, recalls his own brush with the potentially deadly condition that can be very hard to detect.
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
Message to staff from Debbie Dyker, Director of People
Join us at the Research Facilities Showcase - Wed 14th Sept 2022
Come along to this free event on Wed 14th Sept and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and explore the vast array of research facilities the University of Aberdeen has to offer, as well as a chance to network with colleagues across the University.
Hybrid working: information security & governance guidance
Now that many of us have adopted a hybrid working pattern, we have refreshed our information security and governance guidance to make clear what your responsibilities and obligations are, wherever you may be working.
Gillian excels at leadership programme
Gillian Milne from the Microscopy & Histology Core Facility at the Institute of Medical Sciences joined more than 170 technicians from across the country for a celebrated national leadership event.
Pay award for staff
Dear colleagues, National pay negotiations between the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) and the trade unions ended recently for the 2022-23 pay round with a final pay offer of an uplift of 3% on the pay spine. In addition, there is a higher uplift to the pay points below spine...
New Information Security and Data Protection Training
The Information Security and Data Protection teams are launching new mandatory training courses, to be completed annually by all staff and hosted on the MetaCompliance training platform.
Professor Beth Lord appointed Head of School of Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History.
Message to staff from Karl Leydecker, Senior Vice-Principal
Homeworking Policy review
The University invites managers and staff to support a review of the Homeworking Policy, specifically in relation to experiences of hybrid working which was introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic to harness the benefits of hybrid working for staff. A short survey, open to all staff, has been developed to inform...