Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 14, 13 - 31 August 2015
Principal's Update: August 2015
Latest update for staff from Professor Sir Ian Diamond.
Aberdeen Interns 2015
Twelve undergraduate students complete their "Aberdeen Internships" at the University today (Friday 28 August).
Open day 2015
The 2015 Undergraduate Open Day is on Tuesday 1st September and will run from 10:00 until 16:00. The time has changed slightly from previous years, to allow more time for those travelling greater distances and for those locally to miss some of the worst of rush hour.
Probation Training
The University recognises that a supportive and developmental probation process is vital in providing the appropriate level of support and training for new members of staff on commencement of their employment.
Family Friendly Sessions
Human Resources will be delivering two Information Sessions on the University’s Family Friendly Policies. These sessions will provide an overview of policies relating to maternity/adoption leave, paternity/co-maternity leave, parental leave, childcare vouchers, flexible working and special leave. They will he held on: 2 October 2015 -2pm-3pm, Room 100, University Office 7 October...
OneSource Finance - project update - August 2015
Over the summer, the OneSource project team have been busy upgrading and testing the next version of the Finance system - Milestone 4. Now we'd like you to get involved.
CityConnect - FREE public Wi-Fi on campus
Visitors to the University can now enjoy FREE unlimited Wi-Fi across the campus and at Aberdeen Sports Village. Perfect for this year’s Open Day on 1 September!
Physics in the field
Nine enthusiastic volunteers from the University's physics department took part in "Physics in the field" at Ballater's Highland Games last week.
Curious about what the Business Improvement Team does?
Interested in learning how to introduce more efficiency into your working environment?
University hosts visit from Indonesian oil and gas regulator
Last week the University hosted a delegation from Indonesia's oil and gas regulator, SKK MIGAS, who were here to discuss plans to deliver training to SKK MIGAS staff across all of the University's oil and gas related disciplines.