New arrivals to Project SEARCH

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New arrivals to Project SEARCH

The new term has brought some new arrivals to the Project SEARCH team in the King's Pavilion. In addition to welcoming another 12 Interns to the programme for Session 2016/17, Eleanor Davison is also settling in to her role as part-time Job Coach.

The Interns are nearing the end of their initial 4 week orientation period and are looking forward to taking up their first Internship placements over the next few weeks.

The team would like to thank all members of University staff who have welcomed the Interns to the University and especially those who have delivered induction sessions – Mark Paterson (Cruickshank Gardens) who hosted a ‘welcome picnic’, Allan Petrie (Health & Safety) who sparked lots of interesting discussions around potential hazards in the workplace, Amanda Woods (Training & Development) who provided an introduction to the University and Pete Stollery (Music) who supported the development of team-working and IT skills with an entertaining session using electroacoustic technology.

Heather Crabb, Employer Partner Co-ordinator said: “The Interns have settled into the programme really well and are very keen to start their placements.  We are delighted that so many areas which hosted an Internship last year are continuing to work with us and it is a real pleasure to extend a warm welcome to Arlene, Carole and the team at the Suttie Centre who have developed our first placement on the Foresterhill site.”

Catriona McCarle, Senoir Job Coach said: “The engagement of University staff has been fantastic and we are very grateful to local organisations who have hosted visits from our Interns over the past month. The Interns have learned so much from their visits to AbSafe and Skills Development Scotland which we will build on as the curriculum develops over the coming months”. 

If you are able to offer an Internship placement, are interested in becoming a Mentor or have specialist knowledge which could fit into the employability curriculum, please contact Heather Crabb or extension 2404.

Further information on Project SEARCH is available here.