HR Recruitment System Launch

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HR Recruitment System Launch

As part of the first stage of the HR & Payroll OneSource project we are pleased to announce the launch of the University’s new e-recruitment system.

From 18 January 2016 all job vacancies will be advertised and applications received via eRecruiter. Some of you may have already used it as recruiting managers or as applicants, as we have been using the new system for some job vacancies since late October.

In addition to the new system, we have also redesigned the job vacancies web pages - and you may have already noticed a redesign of the Further Particulars and Person Specification document attached to our job vacancies. 

In keeping with this redesign, there will no longer be a link to internal-only vacancies at Instead, staff wishing to view and apply for internal-only vacancies will find a link on StaffNet (under Quicklinks and the HR Handbook). Additionally, Redeployment-only vacancies will also be advertised on the internal job vacancies page. These vacancies will be clearly marked and, for as long as they are marked as such, open exclusively to eligible redeployment candidates. Please refer to the Consultation on Avoidance of Redundancy Policy for further information on the redeployment process.

The set-up of eRecruiter is different to the outgoing system, and as such all applicants (including existing staff applying for internal vacancies) will need to register an account.

eRecruiter brings a number of benefits to staff and applicants, such as:

  • Recruiting managers having more control over the recruitment process;
  • More detailed and clearer reporting information for the recruiting manager;
  • A more efficient application process for candidates including auto-population of application forms from CVs.

Recruiting managers are invited to attend one of our training sessions for an overview of how the new system operates, and also to have a chance to understand your role within the new system. Sessions have been arranged for the following dates and times:

  • Tuesday 2 February 2016, 12pm – 2pm, Computing Room 3 Polwarth Building
  • Monday 15 February 2016, 10am – 12pm, MR113 MacRobert Building
  • Thursday 25 February 2016, 1pm – 3pm, Computing Room 3 Polwarth Building

If you require help in the meantime, the HR Recruitment team and your HR Adviser/Partner will be able to assist.