De-clutter your Outlook Inbox

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De-clutter your Outlook Inbox

Microsoft is currently rolling out its new Office 365 email assistant - Clutter.

What is Clutter?

Clutter is an email filtering option in Office 365. It is designed to help you focus on the most important messages in your inbox by moving lower priority messages out of your way.

Based on your habits, it determines the messages you’re most likely to ignore and moves them to a new Clutter folder, located under your Inbox.

Clutter is accessible in both your Outlook desktop client and in OWA.

What do I need to do?

You don’t need to do anything. By default, Clutter will be enabled for all University of Aberdeen users.

It may not appear to do much immediately, but will begin to take action once it has learned the way you handle your messages.

When will this happen?

This is a phased rollout by Microsoft, across all its business customers. The rollout starts mid-June, but we cannot be certain exactly when Clutter will be enabled at Aberdeen – but it’s coming soon!

What if I don’t want to use Clutter?

Clutter is a useful tool, but if you decide it’s really not for you, you can turn it off via OWA. Just follow the instructions in our fact sheet – see below.

Want to find out more about Clutter?