Mindfulness based practice is increasingly recognised as an effective way to enhance our resilience, become more aware of the positive things in our lives and develop compassion for ourselves and others.
As part of the University’s Healthy Working Lives initiative, it is proposed that Mindfulness practice sessions be introduced for staff. Participation in these sessions is free, voluntary and open to all staff of the University.
What can I expect?
Each Mindfulness practice will last for one hour, and will take place between 1 – 2pm. It will involve a brief input and discussion of an aspect of mindfulness, a practice session and time for sharing and dialogue.
Sessions will take place in room 224, second floor of the Sir Duncan Rice Library, as follows:
Session 1 (Wednesday 21 January 2015): What is Mindfulness?
Defining mindfulness and recognising the unsettled mind;
Session 2 (Wednesday 28 January 2015): Start Where We Are
Settling our minds;
Session 3 (Wednesday 04 February 2015): The Body As A Place To Stay Present
We are more than our minds; awareness of and through our bodies;
Session 4 (Wednesday 11 February 2015): Mindfulness Support
Supporting and sustaining mindfulness practice;
Session 5 (Wednesday 18 February 2015): Attitude
Self compassion and compassion;
Session 6 (Tuesday 24 February 2015): A Mindful Life
Living mindfully: acceptance, gratitude and savouring.
The practices are designed to build upon each other, so its best if you can commit to the series, but we do appreciate that circumstances may mean that you might have to miss one or two.
Places will be limited to thirty and you will be asked to register here for the series. Bring a mat or a blanket if you want to lie or sit on the floor, chairs will be available.
Sessions will be organised and overseen by Susan MacLennan, Staff Development Partner, and will be led by David McMurtry, Programme Director of our MSc in Studies in Mindfulness.
If you would like more information or clarification, or would like to discuss this further, please contact Susan MacLennan at susan.j.maclennan@abdn.ac.uk