Grampian Food Forum Innovation Awards

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Grampian Food Forum Innovation Awards

The Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health enjoyed a high profile at the recent Grampian Food Forum Innovation Awards ceremony.

Over 230 representatives of the food and drink industry from the North East and further afield gathered near Aberdeen to celebrate the awards.

“We were delighted to sponsor an award for ‘Company Commitment to Health’ this year and we join many others in sending  our congratulations to the winner, Chef Proprietor Craig Wilson and his team at ‘Eat on the Green”, said Dr Sue Bird, KE Manager for the Rowett Institute, who attended the awards dinner. 

“It was good to see the Rowett profiled as the ‘go to’ place for innovation for local food businesses, and a big thank you also goes to Chalmers Bakery, who were our winner last year, and who made an excellent short film about their experience of working with the Rowett.”