Make room for all your new presents!

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Make room for all your new presents!

It’s coming to that time of year when many of us give and receive lots of gifts.  To make room for all your new ‘stuff’ the University is partnering with Aberdeen City Council and the European Recycling Platform to provide collection points to help you get rid of your old broken or unwanted electrical items. 

This can be anything from an old tape deck you’ve got lying around to a laptop that’s given up the ghost or an old electronic toy that kids have grown tired of.  Basically anything with a plug or a battery, either from home or work, can go in the collection points for recycling.

What: Collection points to take any broken or unwanted electrical items for recycling.

Why: Waste electrical items can be very effectively recycled by stripping out the plastic, metal, silicon and glass components.  This helps us reduce landfill and gives us valuable resources to produce new ‘stuff’.

Where: Collection points will be at the SDR Library, Butchart Building and Hillhead Dome.

When: Collection points will be in place from Monday 01 December until Wednesday 03 December inclusive.