Economics of educational and skills mismatch in the labour market under the spotlight at University

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Economics of educational and skills mismatch in the labour market under the spotlight at University

The Scottish Institute for Research in Economics, the University of Aberdeen Business School and the College of Arts and Social Sciences sponsored a two-day conference on the economics of educational and skills mismatch in the labour market  at the University of Aberdeen earlier this month.

Innovative theoretical and empirical contributions focused on the measurement of match quality and the consequences for wages, the degree of mismatch and the relationship with business cycles. The conference was organised around two invited keynote speakers, around ten academic papers and a policy roundtable.

The keynote speakers were Professor Peter Kuhn, University of California, Santa Barbara and Professor Michael Sattinger, State University of New York at Albany. The policy forum had participants from Skills Scotland, the Scottish Government and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.