Trade Union information

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Trade Union information




Dear colleague,

We are inviting you to join a recognised trade union at the University of Aberdeen: UCU, Unite or Unison.  We have members across all grades and professions, in all sections and all schools, and at all levels of the University including senior management. The University is positive about trade union involvement and it puts time and resources into recognised union activity. 

Over the past few years we have engaged in discussions with the University on a number of local issues including Academic Advising, Redundancy Avoidance, Promotions, Probation, Capability Procedure, Academic-related Role Profiles and various issues relating to employment policy.  Our campaigning on behalf of members has ensured changes have been more considered and often significantly less detrimental to staff than would otherwise have been the case.

We continue to work closely with the University on many fronts, including the delivery of joint training programmes on various topics – most recently we ran courses on Pensions and Promotions. 

Big issues for the year ahead look likely to include detrimental changes to pensions and increasing workloads.

The University recognises three campus unions, UCU, Unite and Unison, for different groups of University staff. You are free to join a trade union of your choice, but we suggest you join the trade union which is relevant to your role at the University. 

UCU represents: Academic, academic-related, library and computing staff (grade 5 and above). Joint recognition with Unison for Administrative staff


Unite represents: Technical staff and computer operators. Joint recognition with Unison for Security staff and Support staff

Contact: or

Unison represents: Clerical and secretarial staff. Joint recognition with Unite for Security staff and Support staff. Joint recognition with UCU for Administrative staff

Contact: or

Click on the union logos at the top of this message for more information about the University of Aberdeen campus trade unions.


Union membership guarantees that:


(a)   You have a say in determining the terms and conditions of your employment.  The University negotiates and consults only with the trade unions to jointly agree matters that affect your employment.  Only members can contribute views on locally agreed matters.


(b)   You receive support when you need it most.  If you have a problem at work, our trained representatives and national officials work with you and will represent your interests.  Our members regularly seek advice and support on disciplinary and grievance issues, redundancy avoidance, workload, promotion appeals and many other work-related matters.  Such support is only available to members.


(c)    You receive information and are given a say on nationally negotiated matters such as pay and pensions.  At national level, university employers negotiate solely with trade unions on pay and pensions. Information about negotiations is only sent to members and only members can vote on how negotiations are conducted.


(d)   You may have access to a range of discounts and financial servicesThese have been negotiated on your behalf as part of a collective organisation (see websites for benefits offered by each union).


Join today – the more members we have, the stronger we are and the more we can do to help you