Personal publishing on the UoA Website

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Personal publishing on the UoA Website

The University has traditionally offered staff and students the facility to publish personal web pages hosted on the UoA website.

Good governance requires that we maintain awareness of material on our website, ensuring it is maintained, of good quality, and is relevant to the author’s work within the University. 

We must also be mindful that in today’s cyber-world, in common with other big organisations our computer networks are subject to attack from hackers and computer viruses. 

We have a responsibility to secure our networks to protect the work of our staff and students from online attacks.

To enable us to continue providing a first class secure service we are reviewing the governance of publishing on the University’s website. Our aim is to update our publishing policy so that we can be confident that material is secure, of high quality, and does not present any legal or reputational issues for the University. We also wish to ensure that we support staff and student web publishing in the best way possible.

If you currently own a personal website you will receive a short email survey in the next few weeks. If you own more than one website you will be asked about each account registered to you. 

The survey has four quick questions, which we hope you will complete and return.