The Aberdeen Humanities Fund is an initiative to support the leading research in the humanistic disciplines at Aberdeen, enriching the cultural life of the University, the city and the surrounding region.
Building on Aberdeen’s established international research reputation across the humanities, the Aberdeen Humanities Fund aims to enhance this by highlighting the centrality of our own historic collections of art, objects, books and manuscripts to our work as researchers. The Fund aims to seize the initiative in pursuing our academic ambitions by putting our historic collections, widely conceived, front and centre as we foster the cultural life and legacy of the University.
Since 2012 we have showcased new explorations of our University collections through the Stacks Alive programme. In 2013 we supported four outstanding research projects with the Hunter Caldwell Awards. In 2014, the Aberdeen Humanities Fund is pleased to announce the Development Trust Awards, for which we invite applications for small grants to initiate or advance research and collaboration towards the Fund’s objectives.
We expect to make up to four awards of up to £2,500 as an initial means of support for projects that will foreground research linked to the University’s collections. Links can be direct or thematic; the best applications might well draw connections with material held elsewhere. These modest awards are intended to spotlight work yet to be done; they might be used to convene workshops or meetings, or to host a small performance or exhibition. Applications should also outline ambitions for a follow-on project, of the sort that could transpire if support in the range of £20,000–£30,000 could be secured in the future. Applications from all disciplines across the University will be considered: ‘the humanities’ are conceived of broadly, and as best defined by scholars themselves. What we are looking for is work that furthers the objectives of the Fund.
Applications for the Development Trust Awards may be submitted any time up to and including Friday 30th May 2014 by noon at the latest and decisions will be made by the Fund’s Academic Board and announced in July 2014. Should you wish to apply please contact Will Gibb ( for an application form.
If you would like to discuss a possible application, please contact Jackson Armstrong ( or Michael Brown (
Research Grants from the Aberdeen Humanities Fund