Ideal time to visit Cruickshank Gardens

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Ideal time to visit Cruickshank Gardens

Anyone taking a stroll through the Cruickshank Gardens during the next week are in for a treat as the annual spring display of 4000 Dutch crocus (Crocus vernus) are now at their very best.

In October 2012 the Cruickshank Garden Team, along with Garden volunteers planted the bulbs to frame a 7-Circuit Classical Labyrinth.

These lovely warm days and cool nights should keep the display at its best for another week, but don’t delay and do come and visit and admire this spring spectacle. Take the time to walk the circuitous framed path and you will find 3 ½ minutes later you are in the centre of the Labyrinth.

In a global context the origin of the labyrinth both in time and location is not known – examples are found across the continents where there has been human settlement.  One of the earliest recorded labyrinths was in Egypt, though the term ‘labyrinth’ comes from the Cretan structure in the myth of Theseus, Ariadne and the Minotaur.