New Gaelic initiatives for 2014

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New Gaelic initiatives for 2014

The University is launching a number of new Gaelic initiatives this month as part of its Gaelic Language Plan.

Since the Plan’s launch in April 2013, a number of projects have been put in place to raise awareness about the language and help staff and students use and learn Gaelic. These have included the establishment of Gaelic activities, like conversation and singing circles, that provide staff and students with regular opportunities to use the language, and opportunities to learn more about the language and its history.  Gaelic awareness training sessions have been held biannually for staff, with some subsidised places on Gaelic evening classes offered to staff wishing to learn or develop their Gaelic with a view to using it in the work place.

To build on these developments, new activities and resources are being introduced for students and staff. Introduction to Gaelic workshops, which will add to the current range of Gaelic events, are free lunchtime sessions delivered by the University’s Gaelic Development & Policy Officer, Ashley Powell, and are open to any member of staff or student wishing to learn more about the language. Ashley explained: “The workshop is a Gaelic language and culture taster session for people who have no background in the language but are interested in understanding more about Gaelic’s history and its role in Scottish culture and identity today. It is also an opportunity to learn some basic Gaelic phrases and learn more about the University’s Gaelic Plan.”

Additional Gaelic resources have also been developed, such as a new Gaelic-medium corporate letterhead and a Gaelic-friendly common room for staff and students. Starting on the 29th January 2014, the Humanity Manse Common Room will act as a Gaelic zone every Wednesday between the hours of 1-5pm, with some of the routine Gaelic activities being held here between these hours.  

The University’s Gaelic Language Plan highlights how the University will assist the national effort to increase the use, acquisition and status of Gaelic and contribute to the language’s development in line with the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005. The Plan is to be implemented over five years, and will see the introduction of some new developments to help staff, students and the public learn and use Gaelic.

For more information about the resources or events noted above, please visit, or contact the Gaelic Development & Policy Officer at


Iomairtean Gàidhlig Ùra son 2014


Tha an t-Oilthigh a’ cur air bhog àireamh iomairtean Gàidhlig ùra am mìos mar phàirt den Phlana Gàidhlig aige. 

Bho chur air bhog a’ Phlana anns a’ Ghiblean 2013, bha mòran phròiseactan air an ruith gus aire a thogail mun chànan is taic a thoirt do luchd-obrach is oileanaich ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh no cleachdadh na Gàidhlig. Ghabh seo a-steach stèidheachadh tachartasan Gàidhlig, mar chearcaill còmhraidh is seinn, a bheir cothroman do luchd-obrach is oileanaich gus an cànan a chleachdadh is barrachd ionnsachadh mun Ghàidhlig is a h-eachdraidh. Bha seiseanan trèanaidh air mothachadh na Gàidhlig air an ruith gu leth-bhliadhnail son luchd-obrach, is àitichean an-asgaidh air clasaichean oidhche na Gàidhlig air an thabhainn airson luchd-obrach a bha airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh no an sgilean aca sa chànan leasachadh leis an dùil a bhith a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig san àite-obrach.

A chur ris na leasachaidhean seo, bidh tachartasan is goiresean ùra air am fosgladh airson luchd-obrach is oileanaich. Tha bùthan-obrach air a’ Ghàidhlig, a chuireas ris a’ chlàr-ama thachartasan, nan seiseanan an-asgaidh aig àm lòn a bhios air an ruith le Oifigear Leasachaidh Gàidhlig is Poileasaidh an Oilthigh, Ashley Powell. Tha iad fosgailte do neach-obrach no oileanach sam bith a tha airson barrachd ionnsachadh mun chànan. Mhìnich Ashley “’S e blasad cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig a th’anns na bùthan-obrach, is tha iad freagarrach airson daoine gun fhios sam bith air a’ chànan ach aig a bheil ùidh ann am barrachd a thuigsinn mu eachdraidh na Gàidhlig is a h-àite ann an cultar is dearbh-aithne na h-Alba là an-diugh. ’S e cuideachd cothrom gus abairtean Gàidhlig coitcheann is barrachd mu Phlana Gàidhlig an Oilthigh ionnsachadh.”

Leasaich an t-Oilthigh cuideachd barrachd goireasan na Gàidhlig, a’ gabhail a-steach ceann-litir corporra agus seòmar-suidhe Gàidhlig airson luchd-obrach is oileanaich. A’ tòiseachadh air an 29mh den Fhaoillich 2014, bidh an seomar-suidhe san Humanity Manse na àite Gàidhlig a h-uile Diciadain bho 1-5f, is bidh cuid de na tachartasan clàraichte air an ruith an-seo eadar na h-uairean seo.

Mìnichidh Plana Gàidhlig an Oilthigh ciamar a chuireas an t-Oilthigh ris an oidhirp nàiseanta gus cleachdadh, ionnsachadh agus ìnbhe na Gàidhlig a thogail agus ciamar a chuireas e ri leasachadh a’ chànain fo Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005. Bidh am Plana air a chur an gnìomh thar còig bliadhnaichean, agus bidh leasachaidhean ùra air an cur air gnìomh gus taic a thoirt gu luchd-obrach, oileanaich is a’ phobaill gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh is cleachdadh.

Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na goireasan no tachartasn gu h-àrd, theirigbh gu, no cuiribh p.d. don Oifigear Leasachaidh Gàidhlig is Poileasaidh aig