The Conversation is expanding
2014 has got off to an exciting start for The Conversation, of which the University of Aberdeen is a founding partner, with the appointment of six new commissioning editors and 3 three additional topic areas.
There will now dedicated areas for Arts and Culture, Education and Scotland and among the new commissioning editor appointments is a Scotland editor. This expansion will offer even more opportunities for members of the University of Aberdeen community to get involved and see their work published on the website.
The University has already had a number of stories appear that have been penned by Aberdeen academics. Stories are often followed up by the nationals and get further coverage/debate via social media.
Past examples of Aberdeen stories written by our academics include Michael Keating on the Scottish referendum / the White Paper, Peter McCaffery on vitamins, Rene van der Waal on blogging birds and Ian Reid on anti-depressants.
If you want to find out more please email or ring the Comms team on 2014.