Institutional Strategy for Research and Knowledge Exchange 2013-15

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Institutional Strategy for Research and Knowledge Exchange 2013-15

In the University of Aberdeen 2011-2015 Strategic Plan, there are two Strategic Objectives directly relevant to research and knowledge exchange, as follows:

  • To improve our competiveness as an international research-driven university, and to be at the forefront of setting and delivering the research agenda nationally and internationally (Strategic Plan Objective II).
  • As well as encouraging blue sky investigator-led research, to use our broad disciplinary base to focus on a small number of multidisciplinary themes in which Aberdeen is, or as the potential to be, a world leader or global partner of choice, and which fits with our institutional values and characteristics (Strategic Plan Objective III). 

I am pleased to share with you the draft Institutional Strategy for Research and Knowledge Exchange for 2013-2015 which will underpin the delivery of these two objectives.

The strategy was developed following a lengthy consultation process which involved a range of stakeholders. During this process, the strategy has been considered by the University Senior Management Team, the Committee for Research, Income Generation and Commercialisation, Senate, the Colleges, and a number of senior researchers from across the organisation who were invited to comment.

Colleagues who wish to provide further feedback before the strategy is finalised may do so by contacting Iain Grant ( in Policy, Planning and Governance, no later than close of business on Monday 22 April 2013. Any queries should also be directed to Iain, in the first instance.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Phil Hannaford

Vice Principal for Research and Knowledge Exchange (REF2014 and Strategy)