Dear colleagues,
You may have seen the recent announcement that the University has added its support to the Tall Ships Races Aberdeen 2025. One of the biggest events to take place in the city in almost 30 years, the festival is expected to attract upwards of 400,000 visitors and inject tens of millions of pounds into the regional economy. The only UK host port on the route, from 19-22 July nearly 50 tall ships from South America, the Middle East and Europe will be berthed at Aberdeen Harbour. Not only is the event a fantastic way of promoting the city, it is also a high-profile international platform for us to showcase the University. As well as providing an excellent opportunity to strengthen our community links and enhance the University’s visibility amongst prospective students on a local, national and international stage, the arrival of the Tall Ships also offers a number of commercial revenue generation opportunities. And on this last point I’m delighted to report we have made significant headway. Our sponsorship investment – which was committed from existing budgets – has already been recouped and then some, thanks to the team in Catering and Commercial Services who have, to date, sold over 1,000 ‘bed nights’ in University accommodation during the event. This has generated upwards of £47,000 in revenue. Other commercial opportunities are also being explored, including the potential use of a number of campus venues for private functions and a range of activities including pop-up shops on campus and port-side, to name a few. In addition to this, the call is currently out for researchers across the University to showcase their work and engage with visitors and residents enjoying the Races return to the city. Getting involved will both highlight our research and develop people’s understanding of the marine environment and its role in all of our lives. There are two opportunities to consider: Festival of the Seas 12-27 July The Festival of the Seas will celebrate the arrival of the Tall Ships Races with a programme of events and activities which will seek to highlight the impact the sea has on our local environment and culture. The Public Engagement with Research Unit (PERU) is looking for researchers undertaking any kind of research relating to the sea or coastal communities to get involved by delivering an event, a talk or any other activities. Tall Ships Discovery Zone 19-22 July Located at the Castlegate, right next to the entrance where visitors will get to Aberdeen Harbour, the Discovery Zone will be an area for children and young people to take part in fun STEM activities. Here, research groups will have the opportunity to engage with visitors with interactive, hands-on activities. PERU wants to hear from groups involved in research relating to the sea, sea creatures and coastal communities to get involved by running an activity in the Discovery Zone on one of the days. Funding and training will be available to all researchers and research groups taking part in either event. More information on getting involved is available here. We will share more in the weeks and months ahead but for now I hope you will consider any part you can play in this significant event and help the University showcase the best the North-east of Scotland has to offer to the world. Best wishes Pete |