Srùbag na Nollaige/Christmas Srùbag

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Srùbag na Nollaige/Christmas Srùbag

Tha An Comunn Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Obar Dheathain a’ cumail Srùbag na Nollaige air Disathairne 14 Dùbhlachd, le fàilte ron a h-uile duine!

  • Bidh seo ann an Togalach MhicRobert
  • Tha clasaichean còmhraidh eadar 1-2:30f agus bùird còmhraidh bho 2:30-4f
  • Tha am Srùbag saor an-asgaidh, le cofaidh is tì, fàilte mhòr air bèicearachd dachaigh, agus le cothrom air òrain Nollaig Ghàidhlig!
  • Faodaidh tu clàradh a-steach do na clasaichean còmhraidh leis an fhoirm seo AN SEO
  • Tha eadar-mheadhanach ann le Eilidh Ghreumach neo Luchd-tòiseachaidh/luchd-tòiseachaidh o chionn ghoirid còmhla ri Carola NicCaluim
  • Tha prìsean nan clasaichean £10 coitcheann, £5 do dh'oileanaich agus 's e pàigheadh air an doras.

The Celtic Society at University of Aberdeen are hosting a Christmas Srùbag on Saturday 14th December, with everyone welcome to attend!
This will be at the MacRobert Building cafe.
Conversation classes are 1-2:30pm and conversation tables from 2:30-4pm
The main Srùbag is free, with free coffee and tea, home baking very welcome, and with the possibility of some Gaelic Christmas songs!
You can book into the conversation classes using this form HERE
There is Intermediate with Eilidh Graham or Beginners/Recent Beginners with Carola MacCallum
Prices for the classes are £10 general, £5 for students and it is pay on the door.

Register for the session here.