Update from the Partnership Negotiating & Consultative Committee (PNCC)

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Update from the Partnership Negotiating & Consultative Committee (PNCC)

Dear colleagues

As outlined in the last update, the University is committed to and values working in Partnership with the campus Trade Unions. The Partnership Negotiating & Consultative Committee (PNCC) comprising of Trade Union and University management representatives met on 31 October and I am pleased to provide an outline of the matters discussed at the meeting.

Pay and USS Pension Updates and Budget

The Committee received an update from Mark White, Chief Financial Officer. It was noted that the University had agreed to implement the pay award as recommended by UCEA, with the first tranche paid to employees in October.

It was noted that the decision announced in the UK Government’s budget to increase employers’ National Insurance contributions will have an impact on this year’s budget and a greater full year impact in 2025/26.

Technician Commitment Update

The Committee discussed the University’s continued responsibility in respect of the Technician Commitment. The Technician Commitment aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technical staff working in higher education and research. The Commitment requires signatories to demonstrate the value and importance placed on the technician community in delivering on its teaching and learning objectives and undertaking world class research. A Technical Staff Working Group, led by Nick Forsyth, Vice-Principal (Research), has been established to conduct a self-assessment process to review work undertaken since 2018 and to produce an action plan. The action plan includes a commitment to review technical support across the University. A consultation on the action plan is being undertaken and will be reviewed by SMT by the end of January 2025. 

Policies for Approval 

PNCC approved updates to a range of policies:

Adoption / Surrogacy Leave Procedure                                                   

The Procedure has been updated to ensure language is consistent with other family-friendly procedures.

Shared Parental Leave                                                                                   

The Procedure has been updated to reflect the way Shared Parental Leave can be claimed and taken, in line with legislative changes which make it more flexible for fathers and partners to access.  The leave can now be taken at any point in the first year after the birth of the child, and can now be taken in two non-consecutive blocks. 

Recruitment & Selection Policy                                                                       

The Policy has been revised in line with new guidance from The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland that External Advisers are not a statutory requirement for Honorary Consultant recruitment processes.  The change in guidance has come following a discussion with Scottish medical schools, so it is consistent with a national approach. School guidance has been developed as to when External Advisers will be used in the future.

Digital Accessibility Policy                                                                           

The Policy has been revised to reflect a change to the relevant accessibility guidance.

Consultation on Avoidance of Redundancy Policy  - Appendix B                                              

The Policy has been updated to reflect the legislative changes introduced in the Redundancy Protection Regulations 2024 which strengthens the protection for staff who are on or have recently returned from Maternity/Birth Parent/Adoption leave.

Paternity Partner Leave Procedure                                      

The Procedure now reflects the recent SMT agreement to increase paid paternity partner leave to two weeks from one, bringing the University in line with the sector norm.

Workload & Wellbeing

As highlighted in the last PNCC Update, workload and wellbeing continue to be key concerns for our Unions and Senior Management Team. We are continually looking at ways to improve our processes to help alleviate workload pressures.

PNCC provides a forum to discuss how a ‘whole University’ approach to working efficiently can be achieved. This requires us to ensure we have a strong interface with Professional Services staff and School colleagues and a culture where individuals and teams feel empowered to raise their suggestions that could lead to process improvements, or about which areas of work could be stopped or paused, to help alleviate workload pressures. Staff need to do this in the knowledge that they will be listened to, and will be provided with feedback in response to their suggestions.

PNCC discussed how this can be achieved: currently, the Financial Recovery Group receive suggestions from the community on process improvements, but we know that there will be further invaluable knowledge in the community that has not yet been put forward. We want to find ways to empower individuals to raise their points. This will include asking Heads of Schools and Directors to encourage line managers to continue discussing ways of working with their teams and encouraging suggestions to be made. 

Other forums for feedback such as the annual review process were discussed. It was highlighted that Ben Tatler, Dean for People, Culture and Environment was leading a Working Group on annual reviews and will capture the feedback discussed at PNCC.

In addition, the information provided in the Staff Survey will help tailor support to areas, including localised Wellbeing Action Plans.

The recent launch of the Dignity at Work and Study Toolkit was discussed at the meeting, noting it is the responsibility of all members of the University community to behave professionally, courteously and respectfully towards each other. The Toolkit guidance has been created to support colleagues in identifying potential adverse or negative behaviours and highlight how those behaviours can be managed and mitigated.

Information sessions on the Toolkit will be made available to staff but please do take the time to look at these invaluable guidance documents.


Staff Survey

The Committee discussed the approach to the dissemination of the results of the Staff Survey.

Information on PNCC and the minutes of previous meetings can be found here:


We hope you found this update helpful and look forward to providing further updates from PNCC in the future. 

Best wishes


Karl Leydecker

Senior Vice-Principal