Update from the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group - August 2024

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Update from the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group - August 2024

Dear Colleague

This is to provide you with a further update on the work of the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group.  

Collective Agreement – Harmonisation of Terms and Conditions of Employment

As previously updated, the Collective Agreement to Harmonise Terms and Conditions of Employment was reached during the Spring. It has now been formally endorsed by University Court.

A reminder that you can read more detail about harmonisation, including the key changes and when each are effective from here.

With most of the changes effective from 1st October 2024, the Group recently considered and approved updates to HR policies to support implementation of them. Subject to approval by the Partnership and Negotiating Consultative Committee this month, updates will be rolled out during September.

Look out for more information, including briefing information for staff during September.

If you have any questions about the Agreement, please contact your HR Partner, email reward@abdn.ac.uk or contact your trade union representative.

Accredited Living Wage – short-term measure

In the last update, I outlined the steps being taken to address the impact of the ALW rate of £12.00.  This included a short-term measure to ensure that differentials between spinal points 7-15 are maintained, pending the outcome of national discussions on the pay spine which include consideration of the impact of the ALW.  

Our short-term measure has been approved and staff impacted have been contacted to confirm uplifts in their hourly rate.  You can view the impact of the short-term measure in the University Salary Scales.   

Guaranteed Minimum Hours and Temporary Services contracts

The Group has continued to review the latest data available on the use of GMH and Temporary Services contracts, in line with the guidance previously agreed.  

This includes considering the latest data about hours that have been worked and determining from this whether alternative contract types are more appropriate.  The latest information provides detail for the last full academic year and the HR Team will be working with Schools and Directorates, using this, as part of determining what is suitable moving forward.  

The Group acknowledges that some progress has been made in this area and has agreed that at its meeting in September, consideration will be given to the timing of re-starting the Precarious Contracts sub-group which will include a remit to do further, more detailed, work on the topic of casualisation.  

As a reminder, if any member of staff has concerns about their GMH or Temporary Services contract they can contact their HR Partner or email reward@abdn.ac.uk.  

New JNCHES 2024/2025 pay negotiations

The Group considered the latest update on the 2024/2025 Pay Negotiations.  After a final negotiating meeting on 26 June, UCEA wrote to the unions with a final offer for 2024-25, for a sectoral pay uplift ranging from 2.5% to 5.7%, to be implemented in two phases during the 2024-25 year together with a review of the pay spine and joint work on non-pay issues in the unions’ claim.

Some of the unions rejected this offer and dispute resolution meetings have taken place.

UCEA has confirmed that it will write to the unions with its final offer following these meetings.  A further update will be provided once further information is available.  

You can read more information about this at UCEA 2024-25 New JNCHES pay round.

Work coming up

The Group will be considering the following in the coming months:

  • Allowances and honorarium payments
  • Regrading and Career Development (Professional Services) – considering when the work of the sub-Group will restart (paused to enable HR to focus on supporting the Financial Recovery Plan)
  • 2024-25 New JNCHES pay round
  • Gender and Race Pay Gaps


You can read here about the background and more detail about the work of the Group.

If you would like to provide any feedback about Reward activities please email reward@abdn.ac.uk.

Best Wishes


Tracey Slaven

University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer