Institutional research leave scheme

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Institutional research leave scheme

Dear colleagues

I am pleased to launch the 2nd round of the institutional research leave scheme, to further enhance the quality of our research, impact and research environment. 

This is part of our continuing commitment to support excellent research and enable our researchers to do their best work.

Following the first round of research leave applications we have reviewed the scheme in the light of the outcomes of the first round and taking into account the first decisions on REF2028 that were published in June this year.

We invite applications from all who are able to propose a project or activity that will improve our submissions to all three elements of assessment for REF2028:

  • Contribution to Knowledge & Understanding (formerly Outputs), proposed weighting 50% of total
  • Engagement & Impact (formerly Impact), proposed weighting 25% of total
  • People, Culture & Environment (formerly Research Environment), proposed weighting 25% of total

The first tranche of the institutional research leave scheme predominantly funded projects, many from senior academics, that focused on the completion of outputs for submission. For this round, we particularly invite proposals that fall under the other elements of assessment, and from researchers and colleagues at earlier career stages and from under-represented groups. 

We also welcome proposals that align with strategic international partnerships, such as those with our partners in Calgary and Curtin.

We are inviting fully costed applications that have approval from both line manager and Head of School/Director by 4pm on 19th January 2024.  Applicants will be notified in mid-March, and it is expected that leave will normally fall into financial year 2024/25.  The value of applications can be up to £20,000 (normally a G6 teaching fellow/G6 backfill) and will be payable to the School or Directorate.

Further details of the scheme, and applications are available here.

Best wishes

Professor Nick Forsyth

Vice Principal Research