Do you want to learn Gaelic?

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Do you want to learn Gaelic?

Information about Gaelic language learning opportunities at the University of Aberdeen

Learning a new language is a great workout for your brain and a great way to learn about a new culture. Why not learn one of Scotland’s oldest living languages? You can learn Gaelic here at the University – we have a variety of course options for single, joint and combined degrees as well as choosing Gaelic alongside another core degree. If you can’t commit to a full degree, evening classes are another way to start learning a language. Here in Aberdeen, we have Club Gàidhlig which offers a full programme of Gaelic evening classes for all levels, from total beginner to near fluency. The new term is just about to start and you can sign up for classes here: Club Gàidhlig Obar Dheathain Events | Eventbrite

A bheil thu airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh?

Tha ionnsachadh cànan ùr math don eanchainn agad agus na dhòigh math ionnsachadh mu cultar ùr. Carson nach ionnsaich thu aon de na cànanan beò as sine ann an Alba? Faodaidh tu Gàidhlig ionnsachadh an seo aig an Oilthigh, tha measgachadh de chùrsaichean againn airson ceuman singilte agus co-phàirteach no gus Gàidhlig a thaghadh ri fo-cheum eile. Mura h-eil ùine agad airson làn cheum tha clasaichean oidhche mar dhòigh eile air cànan ionnsachadh. Ann an Obar Dheathain tha Club Gàidhlig a’ cur prògram de chlasaichean oidhche Gàidhlig air dòigh  airson gach ìre, bho neach-tòiseachaidh gu ìre fileantachd. Tòisichidh an teirm ùr air 4mh an t-Sultain agus faodaidh tu clàradh airson clasaichean an seo:  Club Gàidhlig Obar Dheathain Events | Eventbrite