Results of staff elections to University Court

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Results of staff elections to University Court

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to all who voted in the elections to appoint two members of staff to Court, the University’s governing body. Following the close of voting, the votes have been independently counted and verified by Civica Election Services and the following members of staff have been elected:

Academic staff member – Dr Martin Barker

Professional Services staff member – Iain Grant

A total of 392 votes were cast in the Academic staff election (a turnout of 27.4%) and 562 votes were cast in the Professional Services staff election (a turnout of 32.6%).

Thank you to all the candidates who put themselves forward and congratulations to Martin and Iain, who will undertake these important roles from 1 November 2023 to 31 July 2026.

On behalf of Court and all staff, I’d also like to thank Martin Mills and Nick Edwards for their important contributions to the work of Court over the past six and three years respectively.

Click here for more information on the election result, including the voting report from Civica Election Services and more details about your newly-elected staff members of Court.

Kind Regards


Tracey Slaven
University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer