Introducing NESEN & Call For Abstracts

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Introducing NESEN & Call For Abstracts

Update about the North-East Scotland Ecology Network

The North-East Scotland Ecology Network (NESEN) has been founded by a group of ecologists from the University of Aberdeen, James Hutton Institute, Scotland’s Rural College, Biostatistics Scotland, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, NatureScot and Marine Scotland. The network focusses on promoting the development and use of all types of ecological science. It aims to improve the sharing of information and help build collaborations between ecologists in the North-East of Scotland, particularly in Aberdeen and the wider Aberdeenshire area, and to promote the North East of Scotland as a centre for ecological research within the UK. Participation is open to ecologists at all career stages. Partner organisations contribute on a voluntary basis, and the partnership is managed by a steering group.

The network aims to contribute to the Aberdeen 2040 strategic objectives, falling under the challenge area of Environment and Biodiversity:

NESEN Science Day – Call For Abstracts!
To officially launch the network, NESEN will be running a Science Day on Friday 6th October 2023 at the James Hutton Institute. The Science Day is open to any ecological researchers based in Aberdeen or the Aberdeenshire area. This does not mean your research work has to be based in the North-East – we’re interested in any ecological science irrespective of how or where it’s done.

If you would like to submit an abstract for a presentation or poster for the Science Day please complete this form. The deadline for abstract submission is 31st July 2023. We will review all abstracts after this date and contact you at the latest by the end of August to let you know whether your abstract has been accepted for either a poster or a talk. If you won't wish to present but would like to attend please save the date and we will circulate further information nearer the time. 

Abstract Submission Form:

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