Important update on Capita data breach

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Important update on Capita data breach

An update on the Capita data breach and how staff may be affected

Dear colleague,

USS – one of the University pension providers – has issued an update about the Capita cybersecurity incident and data breach. The UASLAS pension scheme is not affected.

USS confirms that Capita has identified that the personal data of some individuals was “exfiltrated” (i.e., accessed and/or copied) by the hackers.

The information accessed includes titles, initial(s), and name, date of birth, National Insurance number, USS member number and retirement date.

USS has emailed affected members directly with full information about the breach and the offer of free access to Identity Plus, a monitoring service provided by credit reference agency Experian. Please note this message will be sent to the email address you use to receive USS communications.

What should you do?

  • Please review the information and guidance provided by USS and take advantage of the free Identity Plus membership. Remember, if worried about the legitimacy of a weblink, you can always go to the main website and navigate from there.
  • Be extra vigilant for possible phishing emails and treat any unsolicited calls from someone claiming to represent USS, Experian or Capita with suspicion. USS will not call you in relation to this issue unless you ask them to.
  • You can read more about the breach on the USS website here, including a set of Q&As.

Please contact USS if you have any concerns.

Best wishes

Tracey Slaven

University Secretary  & Chief Operating Officer