Roll out of Prevent Duty Training

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Roll out of Prevent Duty Training

Dear colleagues,

The University has a statutory duty, under the Counter Terrorism Act 2015, ‘to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. Prevent Duty Training is part of the government’s overall counter-terrorism strategy, and under this strategy, new online training is now available across the UK. Course 1 is the  ‘Awareness course’.

SMT has agreed that all University staff are encouraged to complete this and all staff with front line teaching and line management roles are strongly encouraged to complete it by Monday 1 May.

This will assist you in identifying how Prevent fits your role, when to raise a concern, explain the reasons for this and the approach.  

The University of Aberdeen Prevent Policy, our specific arrangements and FAQs are available here.   

Those staff with Safeguarding roles, such as Designated Safeguarding Officers, will also be asked to complete Course 2, the ‘Referrals course’. These must be completed in sequence.

Please follow this link to start the training. You will be asked to log in using your University of Aberdeen login.  Please then ensure that you answer the initial questions carefully, so that you complete the version of the course(s), for Higher Education in Scotland.  You should allow 30-40 minutes to complete each course.

Using this link will mean we can collect the data centrally that you have completed the course(s).  Therefore, there is no need to download the certificate to prove you have done so but, of course, you can if you wish.

Some of you may be aware that the outcomes of the Independent Review of Prevent have recently been published. This training is in line with the recommendations of that report.

A new, in person, training course will also be developed in due course for staff in specific roles and another for those for authorising events involving external speakers.

If you have any concerns about this training please first check the FAQs here. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for then please e-mail and we will do our best to answer your question.

Best wishes,


Tracey Slaven

University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer