Message sent to staff and students - May 10 2021
Dear Colleagues
Voting in the election for the Senior Governor closed at 5pm on Friday 7 May. The online vote and count was administered independently by Civica Election Services.
The result is that Ms Julie Ashworthhas been elected. The votes cast were as follows:
RESULT | 1 to elect | |
Julie ASHWORTH | 628 | ELECTED |
George K YULE | 392 |
Graham FORBES | 265 |
Number of Voters: 22,388
Number of Votes Cast: 1,285
You can read the full election report from Civica Election Services.
On behalf of the University, I extend our congratulations to Juliebut also our thanks to Graham Forbes and George Yule for standing in the election and their interest in supporting us by undertaking this important role. Can I also thank all of our students and staff who took the time to vote.
A formal commencement date will now be confirmed in consultation with Julie who we very much look forward to working with and welcoming to the University community.
Best wishes
Tracey Slaven
University Secretary & Chief Operating Officer